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After the TGV

Publié par : angelo87 le 25/10/2020

Continuation of “On board the TGV” published at the beginning of October When I get out of the toilet, I feel so good… I sit down in my seat and I calmly think back to this rather memorable shot. Honestly, it's so rare! I have a little time left before arriving, about fifteen minutes, I put some music in my ears. And… I fall asleep… I am woken up by the last passengers in my car who tells me that we have arrived, that we must get out. There, big panic, I had to stop before Hendaye, it is 22h, no more train to find my rental located several km back. I'm stupid at the station, not knowing what to do ... I decide to sit down for a few minutes, it is by thinking that we find solutions. I meet my handsome controller, who gives me a discreet wink on his way back to the station hotel with his colleagues. They will probably leave the next morning. So I decide to ask him for a hand, after all, can we find some common ground? Fissa, I reconnect to grindr and explain the situation to him. He does not need to be asked, but sets a condition: it is my turn to take care of him! I accept without hesitation. He informs the hotel of my arrival and gives me his room number. The instructions are clear, when I enter the room, I must get naked immediately, he will be in the shower. I have to be on the bed waiting for her, on the bed, wearing adam's clothes. I do not wait to comply, I cross the street towards the hotel from the station, I exchange a few words with the person at the reception who seems to be used to it and ending with these words "good night, finally good evening »Punctuated by a big smile. I arrive room 23, I hear the shower, it turns me on already. I don't take long to undress and I pull out my gel, it might be useful. Marc, come in, with just a towel around his waist. "Welcome - Thank you for welcoming me - It's give and take" I approach, caress him slowly to gradually build up the pressure. His towel shows that something is happening, but I choose to continue on his legs, he is standing in front of me. I suggest he lie down, still with the towel, I put myself ...

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Keywords : Pure fantasy, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job