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After work time

Publié par : larakigt le 21/04/2019

it's 8 p.m. and after a light meal and then an invigorating shower, I decide to hit the road again because I still have some driving time left. I took advantage of the shower to clean my ass well because I plan to take advantage of the kilometers that I will do to insert a cucumber in it, the pneumatic seat and the bumpy roads will give me the right sensations. I plan to ride 2 good hours, which will bring me to the outskirts of bourges, I also take the opportunity to chat on my phone via a direct chat site, just to excite me a little the beginning the fact of marking bipassive trucker as a nickname only brought me passive guys who fantasized about truckers, then after about 1 hour a guy starts a conversation with the usual hello - it's going - .. he was from bourges 56 years old and we exchanged banalities, then he asks me what I'm looking for, I explain to him that I'm on my way to bourges and that I'm going to spend the night there, and I'm looking for a nice cool active guy with whom I can have a good time, he asks me around what time I'll arrive and what I like in sex, answer around 10 p.m. and I like pump and get caught and I tell him that I currently have a cucumber that files my ass while I ride, it seems to excite him well that I tell him this detail then he asks me if I'm hot enough for a group plan, of course I am and I let him know that plurality is one thing that I particularly like. He tells me that he has 2 active friends who can join if I'm ok, I answer ok with pleasure, he tells me that I won't be disappointed because they are nice, no problem for me. finally he asks me if I want to go to his house because it will be easier, I agree but he will have to pick me up at my truck and bring me back there too, we are ok for the terms and he asks me to stay on the cat because he gets in touch with his friends after 5 minutes he tells me that it's ok they will join us at his place around 11 p.m. car to go home, time to get away the cucumber of the ass and end my day, and I join him, 20 minutes later we are at his house, he offers me a drink and tells me that his friends will not be long but that we can already get started. at ease, we undress and he compliments me on my little ass, which always makes me happy he asks me to follow him to his room and lie on my stomach on the bed, and he caresses all my back and of course my buttocks my legs, sneaking his but in my parting, his soft buts are sensual, then he talks to me about my cucumber, and tells me that if I want he has a few dildos if I want, I tell him that it will bevery pleasant, he goes away and comes back with a big box, and comes out of it gel and dildos of different sizes, the biggest being a black silicone of good size, with a sensual delicacy he makes gel flow in my line and there enters 1 finger, then 2, the kilometers with my cucumber in the ass relaxed my hole well, then he takes a medium-sized dildo and gently makes it go into my ass while with his other hand he caresses my back and buttocks he goes back and forth slowly and sensually without haste at times he kisses me if and there, then he changes the dildo to a bigger and longer one, and resumes his languorous back and forthI feel another sensation, an increasingly strong vibration in my ass, he pushes the dildo far away then brings it back to the edge of my hole, I have a hard-on like crazy, I lift my ass to offer him even more of what he is doing with virtuosity, then the vibrations decrease and he withdraws the dildo, I could have enjoyed my ass it was so good and I told him, he told me that the night had only just begun.finally he takes the last dildo, the black one and after putting a little gel on me starts to push it in my ass always slowly and dexterously he goes in a little then comes out and at each exit my ass is open and I feel a vacuum very quickly fills up as soon as he puts it back on. after a few minutes of this treatmenthe managed to push the entire dildo into my ass, I'm literally filled, he tells me to sit on the edge of the bed with the dildo in your ass like when you have your cucumber, I sit down and the feeling is intense, he is in front of me, his cock half stretched, his glans half-capped, and we knock on the door, it must be my friends who are coming, stay there as you are, I'll get them, he leaves the room and I take the opportunity to hold the dildo on the bed and go up and down on it hummm what an intense pleasure to be fully satisfied, I hear people talking and enter the room my godeur and 2 other guys all naked stay seated, he tells me, you're going to start pumping us and they approach the cocks not yet fully bandaged, my godeur gives it to me first, it's big enough, not too long, but nice balls are attached to it, I suck it slowly as he made me dildo my tongue revolves around his glans, I suck vigorously and she is now very stiff, ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay