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Alex succeeds in his first blowjob (continuation and end)

Publié par : alexis69 le 13/08/2022

The week passed, Laurent refrained from speaking to me, he avoided my gaze as if he felt guilty of some betrayal. I left it in its juice... On Friday evening we found ourselves once again in the apartment in the rue Chevreul. Some had gone back to Ardèche for the weekend. We were only five, finally six with the "girlfriend" of Laurent who accompanied him. He slipped to me, "She's the one who wanted...". I did not answer him. He spread his arms as if he were a victim of fate.Among the Ardèche students, one of them was interested in me. She was pretty, she was kind, and looked at me as if I were a god of Olympus… Her gaze was also imbued with a certain melancholy and that's what brought me closer to her. She gave me a discreet sign, putting her hand on the chair next to her. I went to sit there. We discussed, we ate, we drank… At one point Lucie, Laurent's girlfriend, took the floor to give her opinion. He looked at her very surprised, at the brewery she hadn't opened her mouth. Maggie, the girl who was apparently interested in me, ostensibly put her hand on my shoulder and rested her head on it. Laurent nearly choked, as for the others, they were flabbergasted. They didn't see it coming...neither did I. I did not move and put my hand on his hand as an expression of acceptance.The evening ended earlier than usual, the atmosphere was not really there. Once in the street, Maggie discreetly asked me if she could come with me. I took her hands in mine "Maggie..." I told her with an embarrassed air, she put a hand on my mouth and replied "I know...".So we went back together, hand in hand, to the university campus. I remembered my high school years "Alex you are the best friend I've ever had!" “, “Alex, I entrust my daughter to you! ".Maggie walked me to my room and walked right in.She approached me and took me in her arms by the waist. "Alex I have a very personal question to ask you...". "I suppose you suspect the answer...". "Answer me instead of scrolling!" You like boys don't you? ". I looked her straight in the face, “Yes! ". "And you think that's normal? ". “I don't know, I never asked myself the question… My first lover was 16… I've always been attracted to boys… but why these questions? ".She hugged me tightly, I didn't dare do the same. "So maybe it's not abnormal that I'm attracted to girls?..." I expected everything except that... "No of course!... You want it 'physically', 'sexually '? ". "Yes...want to take them in your arms, kiss them, and make love to them..."."You're going to have to do like me Maggie…that is to say meet girls in the greatest secrecy and be very careful in your choices…"."Alex, I wanted to tell you too… since you sucked Laurent some people say you're a fag and don't like it… I heard the comment from one of the guys who is in our history group, he said 'we have to beat the crap out of this fagot'”. “I know but what to do? ". "Alex, let's go out together to protect each other and silence the gossip... On my side, some girls are asking questions about me". After a moment of reflection I nodded. "It's in there! I tell him, kissing him on the forehead. She was far from being stupid, little Maggie and I liked her more and more, intelligent, determined and an aptitude for concealment that I knew only too well...It was late. I invited him to sleep with me. We undressed in part, she snuggled up against me saying "I like you Alex!" ". I replied, “It's good to have a friend! » and we fell asleep very quickly, hugging each other.The next morning Maggie took pleasure in being seen leaving my room. I went out quickly behind her so that there was no misunderstanding. She waved at me and went to her room to change before going to class. We found ourselves on the benches of the amphitheater and displayed a great complicity which basically was not really feigned. The current passed well between us and unequivocally.Laurent was mute. He had sat a little higher than us at the end of the row and never took his eyes off us.At the end of class, I walked up to him with a big smile, “Do you have time for a drink? And we can talk…”. " Talking about what ? ". I looked at him mockingly, "Monsieur is jealous?" ". " Are you kidding me !!! ". " Calms you! Come on…”. Grumbling he followed me. We sat down on the terrace of a bar, at the corner of the rue de Marseille and the rue Chevreul.After receiving our beers, I spoke to him seriously. “You behave like a kid! I told you you were free! Free, you understand?… When I entered the Brasserie Georges, you no longer knew where to put yourself with your godiche! ". I cut her protests short and continued "What did you think?" that I was going to give you a fit of jealousy?… You want to come and fuck me, you come, you don't feel like it, you don't come! I won't come looking for you. It's clear isn't it? ". He took his courage in both hands and in a tone of reproach threw me: "But you are good with a girl now!" You told me you only slept with boys!? ". "Come tonight, I'll introduce you to Maggie… But I repeat, you're jealous!" ".Maggie and I decided to work together. We did the same studies. She was an only child like me and the loneliness weighed on both of us. When Laurent arrived we were just working. “What are you working on? “Justice in the 17th century proposed by Goubert”. “I chose the subject on trade”. "I present to you Maggie!" "Yes, I didn't know your first name but I saw you on Friday evening at Laure's" "Hello Laurent!" "Hello Maggie!" ". His visit began auspiciously, he was relaxed and smiling.I went to sit on the bed, Maggie put her things away and Laurent sat down on a stool. I attacked directly “Did you think about what I told you? ". He glanced desperately at Maggie. I added "Maggie is like me...". The most total incomprehension marked Laurent's face. Maggie intervened "Alex likes boys, I like girls...". “But does that exist? replied Laurent decomposed. Maggie and I both burst out laughing. "I'm sorry, I'm talking bullshit! Obviously if on one side… on the other too…”. “You are clarity itself! "I said with a mocking smile."But then you two…are you bluffing?" ". "Maggie and I decided to cut short all the gossip, you realized that the fellatio I gave you marked the spirits...". " Yes, it's true ! said Laurent. Maggie continued, "Alex and I protect each other by giving the illusion of forming a straight couple. » Laurent heaved a sigh « Okay…. ". Maggie took her things and headed for the door "I'll leave you to your loves!" ". She left without waiting for an answer.“Excuse me, Laurent told me, I suck...”. “All this is new to you… Be yourself, I repeat!… I also repeat that you behaved jealously…”. Laurent curled up on himself. “I press where it hurts, huh? I asked him. In response he got up abruptly, threw me on the bed, sat on me and blocked my shoulders. “I'm dying Alex… I dream of you, I'm obsessed with your body. I wake up hard and you're not there...”.I let myself go. “You talk a lot I think! ". I had fun. He understood it, leaned towards me and kissed me while preventing me from freeing myself. He opened his pants and showed me his erect member. I took it in the mouth with greed. He let go of my arms which allowed me to caress him and gently masturbate him. He took pleasure then got up and undressed quickly. I did the same and stretched out, spreading my legs. He lifted me up to slip his cock between my buttocks and he entered me with a moan of pleasure. He enjoys very hard and so do I. Jets of hot sperm deep inside me was really the expected ecstasy. Laurent was a good lover.“I can't spend the night with you. We have to be careful”. I nodded. Like the first time he went out without being seen. I fell asleep with the sweet sensation of semen flowing from my buttocks.Maggie told me with emotion that she had a "friend". She introduced her to me. Tall, slim, probably in her thirties, a beautiful woman. They seemed very much in love with each other. Maggie had explained our scheme to him. We agreed not to change anything, Maggie would continue to come to work in my room and reciprocally I would be seen in hers. Maggie's friend was not part of the student body. It was very good that way.And then disaster struck… Lucie, Laurent's official girlfriend, was seized with doubts. Laurent was changing. Alex here Alex there… Alex was much too present even if he emphasized “Maggie, Alex's girlfriend…”. One evening Lucie followed him. She saw him enter my room. She waited… and at two o'clock in the morning she went to bed. The next day when we arrived at college together, Laurent and I, all eyes turned to Laurent, smirks and facial expressions of disgust. I saw Maggie who screwed up her face as if to tell me "There's a problem...". Lucie appeared triumphant and spoke to Laurent "If you prefer to fuck with Alex, tell me right away… Apparently he sucks Alex well…Is his ass welcoming?" ". Laurent was pale, decomposed. He succeeds in pronouncing "But not at all!...". And then Maggie intervened... She approached Laurent, took his hand and to everyone's amazement said to him, “Alex told me about your grandmother, I'm sorry. I understand that you didn't have the heart to be alone that night. Normally I should have been with Alex”. Laurent was speechless, I was speechless, Lucie was speechless… She caught herself “What are you talking about? ". Maggie replied, "Poor girl…what did you think?" Laurent and Alex are both from the Ardèche, and close too. Laurent's grandmother is from Lussas, Alex's family from Aubenas and they know her”. Lucie was speechless before apologizing "I'm sorry Laurent, I didn't know...". Quickly the others dispersed. We quickly joined the amphitheater. Mr. Goubert did not like the delay… She approached Laurent, took his hand and to everyone's amazement said, “Alex told me about your grandmother, I'm sorry. I understand that you didn't have the heart to be alone that night. Normally I should have been with Alex”. Laurent was speechless, I was speechless, Lucie was speechless… She caught herself “What are you talking about? ". Maggie replied, "Poor girl…what did you think?" ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy