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Uncle Jules.

Publié par : routiers76 le 09/07/2024

Uncle Jules. Summer 1980, I left for the army for my service in October. I'm 19 and I decided not to hang out for the last two months. Of course, when you still live with your parents, things don't always go the way you want! Coming home from work one evening, my father, who had had to spend the weekend, pulled me aside and said to me! : “François, it’s not possible for you to sit around doing nothing while your mother and I are at work! I had your uncle, he needs a laborer on his farm, he's willing to take you on for two months, he'll pay you, you won't be unhappy, he likes you! You leave tomorrow, I'll take you to the station, he will receive you in Caen! “ Put against the wall with no alternative, I can only obey!” My uncle Jules lost his wife two years ago. It’s true that it can’t be easy for him. The next day, as planned, my father drove me to Rouen station for my departure to Caen. The journey is quick. I was immediately taken care of by my uncle. He's waiting for me on the platform, in his old suit. He is an elderly man in his sixties, bald and slightly paunchy. Immediately, he hugs me and kisses me, thanking me for accepting his offer, without knowing that I had no choice! Arriving at his small farm in the neighboring village of Saint André sur Orne, he cooked us a dish of noodles with fried eggs. As soon as the meal was over, he said to me: “Okay, we’re not wasting any time, put on your work clothes, we’re going into the garden to clean up!” I'm surprised, because it's Saturday, and I thought I'd rest! I change into loose shorts and Marcel. When he sees me, Uncle Jules laughs heartily! “Where do you think you are, we’re not at the beach!” Well, it doesn’t matter, you can even take off your Marcel if you want to get some color!” We quickly go to the garden, we start to remove the weeds, my uncle is behind me and checks that I don't miss anything. He is shirtless. I do the same. I feel that he is watching me closely, but I actually have the impression that he is watching my behind. Squatting down, I make sure to lower my shorts as far as possible so that he can see the beginning of my parting. He is closer to me, right at the level of my behind, I saw correctly, my anatomy seems to please him. Would Uncle Jules have become BI? This allows me to slow down, he is too busy enjoying the view of my ass to ask me to go faster! At 6:30 p.m., the uncle decides to stop. His face is red with excitement. We put our shirt and Marcel back on. He wipes himself with a towel and says to me: “Okay, let’s have a leisurely aperitif, then we’ll go to the shower!” “ “Great Uncle, this will do us good!” “ I go to the toilet first, and I take the opportunity to take off my underwear which was tightening my balls a little. Hmm, I feel better! When I return to the small living room, my uncle has served two well-packed Ricards. “Do you want some ice cubes François? " Yes, please Uncle! “ Oh, stop calling me Uncle, Jules or Juju is enough for me! " " Ok I will try ! “ Jules took off his shirt, for a man, he has a good chest! We drink our Ricard with small biscuits. We talk quietly and laugh. Jules gives us a second round. “Oh, I’m hot, I’ll take off my Marcel!” “ Go ahead, make yourself comfortable, my François! “ His tone is emotional. His eyes are shiny, probably from the alcohol. “Oh, but you got sunburned, I’ll give you some special ointment if you want to tan!” We finish our drinks. The aperitif got me drunk, I'm cheerful and happy to be at Uncle's, it's a change from the routine at my parents' house! “Come on, go to the shower, we’ll have a little aperitif later!” I follow Jules to the bathroom. Without hesitation, he undresses in front of me. His body is completely tanned, and his bare member is horizontal! “Come on, furry, aren’t you going to take a shower in shorts?” “ Without answering, I pull down my shorts and find myself naked in front of Uncle.” “You don’t have any underwear?” You're right, I do the same when I'm alone! Well, the chicks must be happy with such a beautiful cock? “ I'm embarrassed, and what's more, he looks at me with a vicious look! “Come on, go ahead, we’ll save water, let’s take the shower together!” “ Fatigue and alcohol leave me without reaction, I go first into the Italian shower, Jules pushes me a little and puts his hand on my left thigh. I adjust the mixer, the water is lukewarm, I water myself, Jules begins to coat me with foaming gel. His big hands run over my shoulders, my back, then down to my ass. I don't say anything, my breathing accelerates. Uncle massages gently, then he passes his fingers between my buttocks and rubs my part touching my anus, which contracts under the caress. “Your uncle’s friction makes you feel good, you’re purring, my pig!” “ Then he moves to my chest and rubs my breasts. My penis responds to the call and stands up, Jules has seen it and lowers his hand to grab it. Slowly, he starts to jerk it off. Thanks to the foaming gel, he decapsulates and polishes me without problem. I feel shaky and without paying attention, I lean on my uncle. He, more resistant to alcohol than me, takes advantage of the situation. He holds me in his arms and, panting, leans against me. I feel his penis rubbing against my thighs. “Come on, it’s your turn to soap me, hold the gel.” I take the bottle, put a squirt in the palm of my hand and start rubbing his shoulders. He spread his legs. My hand goes down to the small of his back, I rub it well. I can't see it, but I think he's masturbating at the same time. “Lower down, do my behind too!” “ I obey, and rub her buttocks, they are very round and completely tanned. I do as he did to me, I slide my fingers with gel into his line and rub it several times. There, he turns around and says to me: “The other side too, don’t hesitate!” “ His erect penis attracts me, but I don't dare, he's my uncle and what if he told my father! So I start to soap his chest, it is worthy of a woman's, and no hair! I then go down on his stomach, Jules, although plump, is not cute, just ...

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Keywords : Pure fantasy, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Teens, Mature, European