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Visit to the urologist

Publié par : mangour le 01/05/2021

Hello Last Thursday, I had an appointment with a urologist that I did not know.This is the first time I was going to see one, and I was in no hurry to go ... My GP had advised me to go see one for a small problem, even if it wasn't there was no particular concern.In short, for safety.After 3 months (confinement, not wanting, all that ...), I finally picked up my phone to call him, and here I am Thursday in his waiting room.They call me into his office, and I find myself facing him, with a mask, hydroalcoholic gel on my hands, as usual now.He asks me what brings me, I tell him.He reassures me, tells me it's nothing.Then he tells me he's going to do an exam anyway, which I expected.He makes me pass behind a screen where the bunk is located, changes the paper protection, says to me "Take off your pants, your underpants and you lie down.". He is leaving.Well, I suspected the type of exam, but now that I'm here.So I find myself on the bunk, in socks, but buttocks and cock in the air, and in a sweater.We would feel vulnerable unless.Here is my good man who comes back and tells me to bend my legs.It is becoming clearer.I understand women who feel uncomfortable at the gynecologist.I bend my legs, and what had to happen happened, I feel him sticking his finger on me, resolutely.I expected it, but not this momentum.Of course, I'm the one who doesn't notice anything, like I'm waiting for the bus.I have a little habit of dildoing myself with certain toys, and feeling pleasure from them, but this is not the same kind of situation at all.And then it had been a while since I had indulged in this little pleasure.And there, I feel him continuing a meticulous and lasting visit (in any case, I had the impression of a certain duration).And surprise, I feel that it becomes pleasant, he insists on the prostate.I don't show anything, still stoic.The advantage of this kind of game is that it can give a lot of satisfaction, without it having any visible effect.This is even how I checked that we could enjoy without ejaculating, thanks to my toys.But hey, I was far from being there. Pleasure certainly, but discreet.So I continued to look like nothing, quiet like Baptiste.And all of a sudden, I realize that not at all, I'm starting to have an onset of erection.There, I begin to feel embarrassed.And this time, he's the guy who's waiting for the bus, and who hasn't noticed a thing ... still it lasts.At one point, he finally pulls his finger away, phew, and goes to the sink behind me and takes off his glove, without meeting my gaze.He hands me some paper, saying "Wipe off, I put some gel on you", and avoiding meeting my eyes. It was there that I understood that despite his appearance, he had noticed something.Okay, I dry myself and get dressed.I immediately feel more worthy.We come out from behind the screen, and everyone resumes their place: the doctor behind his desk, the patient in front. We discuss, blah, no problem, everything is fine.The atmosphere is relaxed.At one point, he even allows himself to tell me: "It's still a special exam!"- "I confirm."He smiles.Finally, I have the impression that he is smiling, because under the mask ...The visit ends, he gets up, opens the door for me, and stands there waiting for me to come out.I get up, come closer, say thank you, and hold out my hand to shake his (old reflex from before covid).I realize this and interrupt my strictly prohibited gesture in these periods of freedom.He notices it, laughs (I'm sure that despite the mask), and takes my hand ... which he pulls towards him.And I find myself pressed against him.He puts a hand on my back, and I'm paralyzed in surprise.He lowers his mask with his free hand and looks at me.I feel his leg against my stomach, and there, bingo!In less than a second, I have an erection, and a real, hard one.I'm sure he can feel it, his gaze says so. He lowers my mask and kisses me. Just a little kiss, and says to me: "I don't have time, I have another date", and he lets go of me.All of this is happening at breakneck speed, I haven't had time to figure it out.On the other hand, I don't know what got hold of me, completely instinctive, but I pushed back the door, I put my tongue in her mouth after telling her "don't care!"And go ahead and I roll my tongue in her mouth, and it wasn't unpleasant.With his brain completely disconnected, I realized he didn't mind it when I noticed that his tongue was moving a lot too, and that he had put his hand back on my back,So here we are, rolling a shovel of hell, the completely improbable thing.There, I really regained my awareness of the situation and wanted to check something out.I knew I had a good erection, but him?So I slipped my hand between me and him, which was not easy, since he was holding my buttocks, see a little lower, as if he wanted to take a urological examination again, probably a professional mania.But I managed to put my hand on his penis, and yes, we were tied: he was hard, well!This is the first time that I ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Bisexual, Mature, First time, European