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Very Expressive Portuguese Driver!

Publié par : pourroutier38 le 12/09/2020

Thank you again for your feedback on my stories :-)   This story is transcribed as lived on Friday 9/11/20, without any fantasized additions.  Returning from an appointment in Bourg en Bresse I crossed this industrial zone in which I had already made some nice encounters! It is Friday evening and there are often truck drivers on break for the weekend! I start with a walk in the large parking lot, lots of trailers without tractor: - ((A few truck drivers but nothing to excite my senses.   As I leave the parking lot I notice a stocky man, extremely  tanned, to the point that I thought he was mixed race! a little paunchy, short brown hair following me. Surprising to find a pedestrian in this precise place, it is not frankly the most bucolic corner of walk there is! I suspect that it is a truck driver on a break out to stretch his legs or .... Suspicion confirmed when I see 100 meters from the parking lot a flatbed truck loaded with cars empty of its driver. We are at the beginning of the evening but the light is still too strong for my taste, the darkness favors discreet connections and when it comes to truck dredging, discretion is king in my eyes!  So I decide to wander around the area a little longer before coming back to the one that I now consider as a potential "prey" :-)) Half an hour later and having observed no other behavior likely to arouse my curiosity I returns in front of the flatbed truck. Indeed the paunchy brunette is the driver, he is against the truck smoking a cigarette. Once again our eyes meet, the time to turn around and park so as to have a view of his cabin he entered the cabin. I stay behind the wheel, ignition off, windows down, watching the latest videos from the site. About ten minutes go by before he comes out to smoke a cigarette (flirting in general makes us smoke you noticed :-))) c ' is a great excuse to go for a walk, to be noticed at night ....) We observe each other out of the corner of my eye, being in shorts I pull my tail out ostensibly along my leg and stroke myself while he walks a good distance past my car. The message is obviously well passed :-) I guess some movements of his hand towards his crotch!   He goes back to his cabin as I get out of the car to smoke a cigarette (what was I telling you about the cigarette!) The driver's curtain is open as the others are drawn, I walk around the truck by the rear, a glance at the registration, Portugal (truck dredging makes travel cheaper!) I am now along the plateau, hidden from view of vehicles on the road. I go back to the cabin, the heart is racing a little, the curtain is open while the driver is pulled, the light on!   The exciting Lusitanian is standing, naked, in the center of his cabin, his penis erect, a few gestures and signs make me understand that I am expected. I go up on the driver's side and pull the curtain back on me ...  First observation the cabin is not very big, too bad we will play Tétris. Still standing, MAN is waiting! It is therefore not a legend! the Portuguese is hairy !! I love!! (well I know fashion is shaved but I've always been against the current in terms of fashion!) Brown, short hair, a small round bottle in harmony with her round face as well, arms the size of my thighs, a sex (phew would be missing more than it has !!), just up to my mouth (yum !!), interesting and promising, uncircumcised with a pretty foreskin, the kind of tail that I qualify ogival :-))) because the acorn has the shape of an ogive, logical :-) of those which fit everywhere and which give pleasure without excessive pain not to be confused with the mushroom which, as their names indicate have a large acorn (like the cap of a mushroom, hallucinogenic :-))) and which they force the passage. In short, while squirming to undress (the space between the driver's seat backrest and the steering wheel was at least narrow!) I begin to discover the male, first with my sense of smell (very important! I am sensitive to smells from one of my old professions and there are smells that are prohibitive to me!), nothing like it around here! A deodorant of the kind that makes babes fantasize about according to the ad (yes I certainly have a midinette side!) The tiny bitterness of a trace of perspiration (I wrote tiny! I am not an olfactophile either. !) but above all a body as fresh as a field at dawn under a spring mist,   After having sated myself with its smells, I t ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Hetero, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Mature, European, Married