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Today I sucked a nice cock!

Publié par : oldbear73 le 27/01/2022

Three days ago on the Internet (Vivastreet for those interested), I placed an ad stating that at 78, I wanted to suck a nice cock in nature.I had spotted a place with a parking lot, which I thought was a meeting place with woods and thickets around. I didn't meet any scouts there.Also I specified this place with a precise hour 16h. I had many more or less exciting answers.The first for Sunday, but no arrival after 1/4h, so I went home with my desires because the place was deserted!I contacted another who could not Sunday but Monday same time. He didn't know the place and I had to describe the route to him so thatAlso Monday I go back, I park and in the meantime I look a little in the thickets and I discover that there was not very far a camp of travelers where some were obviously drunk.So I get out of the parking lot to get away from it and I wait on the path a little before. I see a car arrive, a Ford, which slows down, its driver looks at me insistently and goes towards the parking lot. I go on foot to meet him and convinced that he is my man, I ask him if he has changed cars. He is surprised and asks me if I am waiting for someone to buy a car!!! I tell him no and that I'm expecting a man at 4 p.m. to have a good time.He then told me that he came to this parking lot because he had been told that it was a meeting place. He got out of the car and I explained to him that the surroundings were rather uncrowded. I liked him, and I suggested that he go somewhere else together since the person I was expecting was still not there at 4:30 p.m. He replied that he agreed and that he no longer made appointments over the Internet because in general there was one meeting out of four or five proposals.He knew another meeting place, not far away, and I followed his car. We got out of the car, the place seemed very busy. We left in thickets followin ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Mature