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Thinking back to Eugene ...

Publié par : voyagheure le 14/01/2021

Eugene is just a memory but I keep it!It was the period of the first discoveries.I studied the preliminaries at 12 years old with the neighbor's son, 2 years older… together we had very good grades… But between 12 and 18 years old I didn't really validate my skills.Then the Internet miracle happened and the meetings were easier to do… including the one with Eugene!He invites me to his place and I'm petrified, but I'm just waiting for that.About 40 years old. Obviously single dad, and maybe that's where I got this passion for heterosexuals who are more mature than me.There's not too much talk, he leads me to his room telling me that he also saw another little guy in the corner who called himself after me.He is warm like everything and in general our bodies are alike ... he more manly, however, is a light beautiful red ... I let myself go because what he does to me pleases me a lot.He put me at ease by taking off my coat while taking the opportunity to wander his hands to assess his future reward.He says sweet words to me and confirms that he likes me a lot. He tells me to also see what I need and invites me to relax.One by one our clothes end up on the ground. And we spend a few minutes brushing against each other, completely naked, to raise the desire, which in the process was read perfectly on our bodies.I really want to take the Initiative first. And I lean slowly towards his cock which made me very envious. 1 beautiful cock, uncircumcised, that I take in my hand and start to jerk off. I am sure to do him good already and decide to taste his centimeters which suit me perfectly because in my eyes, it is as I had imagined them.I confirm to mys ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Ados, Teens, Forty, Mature, First time