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the pleasure of being fucked by a stranger

Publié par : jh2625 le 03/03/2016

I had registered on a dating site which, I must say, allowed me to make some very nice little "plans" !!One evening, I log in as I do regularly without looking for something in particular and someone approaches me directly. Everything I don't like ("hi, are you looking for ?, me plan active sex and you are delirious?") Oula! that was a lot of questions and for my taste a little too direct. In general these guys I skip them directly. However, I was already aroused with a half limp and craving for sex. I do not know why but tonight I wanted to be the good passive, submissive, I was ready to achieve everything he wanted, to be his lope alone for one night what ... This guy was in his early forties and was also in the same geographic area as my research. I knew nothing else about him. We chatted for a little while each explaining our trip and fantasies .. in short it ' is more a half soft than I had but beautiful and well a "stick" of hell! he asks me if I received. The excitement makes me answer yes without thinking. He tells me that he was passing through this city and in a hotel, so no chance of knowing him! He active, me submissive, he moves "the perfect plan" what! I almost refused despite the late hour, in addition I was already under my warm duvet thinking of one of my ex while stroking my cock ... me submitted it moves "the perfect plan" what! I almost refused despite the late hour, in addition I was already under my warm duvet thinking of one of my ex while stroking my cock ... me submitted it moves "the perfect plan" what! I almost refused despite the late hour, in addition I was already under my warm duvet thinking of one of my ex while stroking my cock ...I suggest that he come, his hotel is not very far from where I live, he did not take long to arrive !! during this time I made a little toilet of my ass because he loves the r ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Submission/domination, At work