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The Masturbator

Publié par : ma_branlette le 13/06/2021

One evening, very late. Around midnight, we'll say. I was in a campsite. I slept in an almost breathable tent with such heat. My friend, right next to me, was sleeping. Pretty good, even. I wanted to piss. I had to go to the public toilet, it's boring. Especially when you've just woken up from your sleep.So much that I wanted to piss, I hurried. I could pee against the tree, but, with the heat, I was afraid it would smell bad. Okay, my piss doesn't smell that bad. So, I dressed in a simple swimsuit. Yes, I slept naked. It was too hot to sleep with underpants. What an idea ! Suddenly, I wanted to take a shower when I walked to the toilet. History to refresh me. Arrived at this place, there was nobody. My piss was coming. I quickly pulled out my tail, running towards the stinking urinal. No choice. Finally, I piss hot. At the same time, I felt the urge to masturbate. I did it slowly, before the shower to empty my sperm.Suddenly, I hadn't seen a fat enough man come to the urinal, right next to me. He didn't say anything. Finally, I don't know anything: I was deaf from birth. It seemed to me that he saw my cock. Very quickly, slowly. Without frightening me. He touched my cock, and started to jerk it off. What breathing! He took me to a shower stall at the back. He put me against the closed door. He took off the jersey to masturbate better. He stroked my nipple at the same time. He continued to masturbate, masturbate, masturbate ... until he spit out the semen me tremendously. I was having trouble breathing. It did me good. He continued to jerk me off, slowly and quickly at the same time. To empty them for me. I almost passed out, I was so blooming. He wiped his cum-filled hand on my butt, while stroking it. ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation