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the brush game

Publié par : hgironde le 27/05/2020

It was a few months ago, a guy contacted me on this site. He wanted to play with me and could receive me about twenty km from my house. Our exchanges had been rather classic, but we had talked about our phantasies, our unsatisfied ideas ... I was going there to suck him and more if affinity, but he had offered me a surprise ... I was up for it!Arriving at his house he takes me to a small room at the back of his garden. It must have been a guest room once, but now it served as a storage room. I like unusual places it's perfect!He takes place on the sofa and asks me to undress gently, I open my pants, I stroke myself and quietly lower my pants, I take all my time and he is in heaven. he enjoys the show!Then he said to me: you have already pissed in front of a guy!Euu no, but even if I'm not connected piss I admit that it would turn me on! As he guesses that I'm not against he takes me out on the lawn, takes my cock in his fingers and tells me go -y, piss ... I'm super horny and my cock is stiff, I need to focus to piss, but after a while I get there and it's great! he jerks me off gently at the same time just the glans, and when there are only a few drops left he distributes them on my cock! Wow, it's exciting and pure to please him I wipe my penis with my fingers and I bring them to my mouth .. It's my piss, a few drops, it's okay .. And it turns him on too!He makes me come in and I admit that at this moment I am afraid that he will continue the delirium piss, I do not want to .. But other surprises await me.All his attention is devoted to my cock I am in front of him standing legs a little apart, he is sitting on the sofa. He massages, fiddles, pulls the balls, the foreskin, firmly, but painlessly, he strokes my penis with all his fingers, with particular emphasis on the meatus! Its good ! He takes out a pencil case with gel and school brushes ... MMMm I have the impression that he is going to coat me with lubricant!And indeed he starts by cleaning my acorn with a wipe and also cleans his hands and his brush ... OK, he takes a brush and spread the gel on the acorn ... it's to die for the hairs will get lodged everywhere and caress the most sensitive areas! it lasts it takes time, but more and more often the brush lingers ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Fetish