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The 3 guys at the park

Publié par : pasbeau9 le 12/12/2023

New little mountain bike outing at the Park.From a distance, I see behind the big embankment where the men gather when in winter there is no foliage around, a few heads sticking out.I advance with my bike on the small path that leads there but by the time I arrive, I find myself in front of 3 men, dressed from head to toe. Obviously I disturbed them in their activity and I laugh about it internally.They take me for the passing mountain biker but I recognize one of them (whom I will call Patrick) whom I had met a few weeks before.I turn to him, asking if I can come, already knowing the answer. He's a fan of sucking, and if he doesn't like people to cum in his mouth, he likes to receive it on his face or in a cotton handkerchief that he always has with him... I wonder if 'elsewhere what he can do with his handkerchief spread with cum next... By the time I put my bike down, take off my gloves and my helmet, he has already taken out his cock and is masturbating energetically.I approach him to grab his cock, unfortunately not very big, and as if by magic the two other men drop their pants and in turn show off their cocks. One of them, Denis is a handsome man, with a beautiful figure, around fifty years old, with a really nice cock. Long, quite thick and above all with a beautiful foreskin which covers his entire penis well. While Patrick began to suck me, I look at the other man Eric, more like 45 years old, also with a nice cock but slightly curved on the left and he also has a nice foreskin.It’s off to a good start and I’m super excited!!!I start jerking off Denis, playing with him and while Patrick has let go of me and started to suck Eric, I kneel in front of Denis. I take it in my mouth, his cock tastes good, very clean, certainly already sucked quite a bit by Patrick before I arrive and I enjoy it... Meanwhile, Patrick, still leaning forward over Eric, drops his pants completely and bring his ass closer to me. I think I guess his intention and excited as I am, I start sucking while Denis flatters his buttocks to end up slipping my middle finger on his washer. I tickle her well, Patrick seems to like it, and after playing with it, I push on my finger to enter her anus. But it's tight and without lubricant I only fit half. So I leave Denis' cock for a moment, time to spit on my finger and I represent him in front of the hole! There, it goes in on its own, I fuck it thoroughly and I begin to rotate my middle finger inside it alternating with rapid exits and entries.I get hard and while I suck him, I ask Denis if he wants to cum. He replies “not right away” but in return asks me if I swallow. I tell him no and I continue to pump him while probing Patrick's ass.But after a while, I also want to be sucked. I get up and present myself in front of Patrick to take my turn. Patrick takes me in his mouth, grabbing Denis' cock as he goes, which he starts to jerk off.But I'm afraid of coming too quickly so I pull myself out of Patrick's mouth to get in front of Eric. I kneel again but despite his beautiful cock, I have less enthusiasm to suck him. I still apply myself for a good while when suddenly a little idea germinates in my head. I tell myself that in fact, for this morning, it would be nice if I sucked a third cock straight away. So I leave Eric and pivot on my knees to grab and suck Patrick's little cock.It's all so good, especially when I see Denis lean forward with his mouth to replace mine on Eric's cock.Everyone is busy frantically despite the slight worry of being surprised by a few walkers... But it also brings a certain spice... Then I return to take care of my favorite cock, Denis's. I love sliding my to ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Forty, Mature, Threesomes