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Surprised in a wood

Publié par : virilpassif le 20/06/2023

Jules felt upset that day. The car, the roads, everyone annoyed him. He felt like he couldn't control anything anymore. His hard cock in his pants had been on his mind for miles. His urge to cum was so strong! He needed to free himself from this weight that weighed on his chest. So, without waiting, he parked on the edge of the country road, and returned to the wood which bordered it. He had already masturbated a few times in nature, but he had never felt so much excitement. Within seconds, his pants were down on his knees, his stiff cock erect, and he began to masturbate like a madman. He felt every caress on his cock. To increase the pleasure, he plunged one, then two fingers into her anus. Her quick movements brought her to the brink of orgasm.Suddenly he realized he was not alone. Marcel and Robert, two middle-aged mushroom pickers, baskets under their arms, had surprised him. Jules, embarrassed, stood there, frozen,Marcel and Robert were strong and impressive men, but they did not seem aggressive, on the contrary. Jules was sure they wouldn't hurt a fly. The bumps that distorted their pants were explicit about their intentions. They advanced slowly towards him, one obvious thing in mind: they were going to perform sexual acts with him, as if they were kings, submitting him to their will.They made sure to put the three of them at ease, and Jules soon found himself wincing with pleasure under their caresses. Both men acted firmly, demanding that he let go completely. The rain began to fall, starting a curtain of rain on the leaves of the trees, adding a little more tension to the atmosphere. Cool drops surrounded the three bodies, beginning the ballet of wet gestures. The fingers slid down his aroused body, stimulating his tense muscles with each movement, gripping his member in a way that almost pushed him to exhaustion.Jules soon found himself losing track of time. He moaned, carried away by extraordinary sensations. He felt Marcel's warm lips close around his penis, while Robert moved back and forth in his inner flesh. Their nimble hands were working to give him maximum pleasur ...

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Keywords : Pure fantasy, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Teens, Mature, Submission/domination, Threesomes