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She wanted me to impregnate her husband

Publié par : okey le 26/01/2016

A few years ago, accompanied by her friends and her husband Sam, my friend Saly had decided to celebrate Sam's birthday at my place.I gladly agreed to receive all these beautiful people during a good summer weekend.There were about ten of us at my house. We had had a great evening, having a few generous drinks, wishing Sam well, joking, laughing, chatting about anything and everything.And when the last piece of music had died down, fatigue making itself felt at a late hour of the night, our friends got up with a single gesture, in unison to return to their apartments. Only my friend Saly and her husband had stayed with me because they had planned to sleep at my place and spend the weekend strolling in the streets of Paris.So we took our friends back to the bottom of my building. Our friends left, we had decided, Saly, Sam and I, to have a last bottle of rosé at the grocer I went to while my two cheerful guests went up to my house.Bottle in hand, what was my surprise when I opened the door to my living room! They were in each other's arms, “consoling” themselves for some sudden sadness (those due to the previous excess of joy ...). Saly kissed her sad husband, on the neck, and stroked his thigh, under his Bermuda shorts.I walked towards the kitchen, being careful to slam the door slightly behind me so that they became aware of my presence, in vain, they behaved as if they had been alone. Stunned! Simply astonished to see these capricious take their ease. The moment I walk past them to head to my room to put on my bathrobe, I still didn't know if they had seen me. I had only drunk 4 glasses of whiskey, so I was perfectly clear-headed and “on an empty stomach” in the sense that “I hold alcohol relatively well”.Having put this mutual public tenderness, which I already knew to them, on the account of their longstanding complicity, on the fact that they had not seen each other for a long time, for professional reasons and especially under the effect of hot, full-bodied glasses facilitating the loss of inhibition, I headed for the shower.While I was soaping myself, I heard someone come into the bathroom and turn on the sink faucet (I saw, later, that it was Saly): She approached the bathroom. shower, opened the doors, without looking at me took the soap from my hands and began to soap my back, buttocks and penis. She even took care to rinse me, putting water all over the place, took my hand to get me out of the cabin and kissed me on the mouth. She sat on the sink, took my penis and rubbed it against her penis (she was naked under her light and wide skirt), my heart raced.She gets up and walks me to the living room. Her husband was lying on the unfolded sofa bed, covered with the sheet initially stored under the sofa bed base. I wanted to go to my room, but my friend Saly gently stopped me. She enjoined me to lie down on the sofa bed between her husband and her. I did so, my heart pounding, curious, excited and under the influence of the audacity, the tact of this friend, charming and angelic, whose childhood memory of a shy and reserved young girl suddenly rose. on the surface of my memory. I was both forbidden and embedded in an act of carnal sedition. The taboo of being naked between her and her husband has turned into an act of tenderness, a privilege of freedom, a bond between people in love with life, its pure and delicious possibilities. Me between them, I was amazed and even amazed to see that a woman, believed to be a prisoner of swallowed glasses and their effect, could appear extremely lucid and thoughtful. While her husband Sam slyly turned his back on me, Saly while stroking my chest whispered in my ear that they had agreed, (while I was on a mission to the grocer), to drink this final bottle of pink in bed, stretched out and laid comfortably and that her husband had no problem with me joining them, him. According to his whispers, still deployed deep in my left ear, between two kisses on the neck and chest, they were tired and felt the need that we all be lying, close, glued to each other: they wanted us to share a night for three.I suggested going to the kitchen to open the rosé, which was an opportunity for me to calm down a bit and analyze the situation. If I went back under the covers, a palpable tenderness with her husband was technically inescapable. Sam, who now seems calmer and less "agitated" than an hour ago, is he really consenting about this complicity? Didn't his wife want to force things? Sam had certainly the buttocks in the air but is not he, too, engaged, mired in this plot hatched by his malignant wife ... Did he really exchange with his wife about the fact that 'they had no problem with me sharing the rosé, in bed,Finally I decide to go back to the living room and slip not between them but at the end of the sofa bed. I "push" Sam between his wife and me, claiming that I have to serve us the rosé. We stayed like that, the TV on, sipping our glasses in front of “boulevard des clips”. Moments later, after much chatter and lost hands, the finished bottle, I get up to brush my teeth. I lingered in the bathroom thinking and thinking; I wasn't intoxicated or drunk, neither of us were. We were only under the effect of a sweet fatigue, all emptied and close, waiting, silently excited, discreetly in envy.When I returned to the living room, I noticed that the light and the television were off. Bumping into clothes on the floor, I undress and go back to my seat, next to Sam… Sam's ?! Yes, himself, Sam, my friend's husband, I'm not dreaming! He had his hand on my stomach, my pubis, my cock! Time for a few kisses, a few caresses on the stomach, on the nipples ... and now my hands feel the buttocks of this hot man ... yes his good buttocks were well arched. We were elated, allies in the carnal. Fatigue and excitement finished making me calm and extinguishing my heavy emotions, reflections of my previous thoughts.If he was there, in this place and he allowed his buttocks and penis to be caressed, it was because he was willing to go further, to enter new perspectives, to go deeper and that he was taking pleasure and wanted more. He arched even more buttocks, this was the unveiled signal that I could have him and that I had his blessing, moreover he also began to stroke my penis more quickly, to stroke me everywhere. He buried himself, lower under the sheets and I felt his warm mouth caress my chest, stomach, thighs and penis. I was simply in the arms of the inevitability of pleasure. His wife got up, went to the bathroom then joined the other end of the sofa bed pushed us so that I was now in the middle. Prisoner of an intense sexual appetite, I let myself be taken in by these hot creatures with whom I have always been close during our childhood and adolescence. Our common presence under my sheets did not seem to me to be an offense but a logical and h ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Hetero, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Mature, First time, Submission/domination, Threesomes