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Parade in the woods

Publié par : sophietrav le 26/05/2021

This Tuesday, May 25, I was in contact with tintin. He wants me to suck him off, so we meet at grumpy for 7pm.He wants me in very sexy clothes. I decide to wear fishnet stockings with thigh high boots, a pink bra with fake breasts in it, a red and black top and a black skai mini skirt.When I arrive, several cars are parked with some guys in them waiting.All see me going down in my outfit and several come out to join me in the woods.Immediately I take off my skirt and here I am, my ass and cock shaved in the air. I walk in front of the guys, wiggling my ass a bit. Then in a corner, a first fiddles with my buttocks and then the tail. And he lowers his fly to take out his cock which I hasten to swallow.Another takes the opportunity to pet me.Then the 2 guys decide to do good. We hear noise nearby. Naked crouching dude sucks off another guy. It is observed by u. Voyeur. We all approach and my two companions take the opportunity to lower their pants, get ready with a condom and the first I sucked buggers the second. Second whose superb stiff cock I swallow and which I suck when the other files it well.Then they stop and decide to see each other another day by exchanging their 06. Me, I leave in the path and am surprised by a guy who must be close to 60 years old.He sticks to me, cuddles me and wants to kiss me. I refuse his kisses but he insists. I make him understand that I want to suck. He pulls out his cock with a big acorn. I gulp it down with pleasure. I suck it, alternating hugs that I don't want. After a while he comes. I receive his semen in the mouth that I prefer to spit out.I wish him a good evening and I go hunting. Finally I see Tintin, my date, which arrives. I am.olace so that he sees me.He quickly joins me and asks me to go to a discreet corner.I take him f ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Mature, European, Maghrebin, Trav, Threesomes