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on a bench (part 1)

Publié par : wilson le 02/06/2021

This story is true, it happened to me in the summer of 2019. It was hot that night, a wet night where I couldn't sleep, I swam around and back in my bed without being able to fall asleep and this itching in my lower abdomen, this desire which increases and which creeps into the small of my back and turns to obsession…. But it is late. There are no more buses or metro and I don't want to go flirting on foot. All the places I know are far away.However, I decide to get up and go out for a walk in the neighborhood, I do not expect to find a sex plan, given the time, but at least the air seems cooler in the street and to walk me will calm down a bit. Anyway, I take a condom with me. I just put on shorts and a t-shirt, no boxers or socks needed, and here I am in the street. The air is indeed a little more breathable than in my overheated studio, there is a brief trickle of wind which renews the air a little and makes me feel good.I wander aimlessly in my neighborhood, almost deserted in this month of August. Usually, even at 2:30 in the morning it is more alive. There are many bars nearby and they attract a student youth who are always ready to party, myself not so long ago ... I've been dragging my boredom for half an hour, only meeting a few tipsy ghosts, staggering to get back to their beds. The bars are closing and everyone is going home. I'm still not sleepy but I'm a little tired and seeing a bench in a small green space on the edge of the boulevard on which I'm walking, I decide to sit there. The heat in the small of my back has calmed down but the urge still grips my lower abdomen and sitting there on this bench, I enter a semi erection, thinking about the few handsome boys that I have just crossed. I would have gladly accosted more than a few if they had been alone, but either they were with a group of friends, or with young girls, and it is not a place of cruising here.So I did not accost anyone and I am thinking of going home to satisfy myself alone, which will help me sleep, when a guy stumbles over. He doesn't seem to have noticed me, he staggers without caring about his surroundings and after a quick glance I'm about to do the same. But he approaches, come and position himself in front of one of the trees which surround my bench, undo his fly and starts to piss, obviously too drunk to realize that he is pissing in front of my eyes without me noticing. could not miss anything from the show, or just worry about it. He is a North African, older than me, I would say mid or late forties. He is thin, with cropped hair, graying, and a vaguely boyish look on his face, despite the fatigue and alcohol. His penis is in good proportion, circumcised of course, and he releases a thick and fragrant stream of urine whose aroma reaches my nostrils. He's really not my type of guy and I don't want him. However, I am only 2 meters from him and, by correction, while he sighs with pleasure, relieving himself, I decide to clear my throat to signal my presence. He lifts his head and gives me a look before lowering his head towards his penis which he then shakes to evacuate the last drops and adjusts himself. He collapsed on the bench and held out his hand to me, articulating "hi" painfully. I won, I'm going to type the drunken discussion of the drunkard in need of friends and which I will have all the trouble in the world to get rid of. I still squeeze his hand (ignoring what it was holding a few seconds ago) and respond to his greeting. He asks me with a heavy accent, if I'm fine, what my name is and what I'm doing there all alone so late. Won! He wants to discuss! Why does it always fall on me? I give him my first name, answer that I am fine, thank you, and that I take the cool because at home it is too hot and I cannot sleep. He then asks me if I was in a bar with friends, I tell him no. He is surprised and tells me that at my age I have to have fun (great the verse on how I have to lead my life, I was expecting that !!!) and that he takes advantage of it, his wife put him outside so every night he goes out to have a drink (only one? really?) and have fun with the pretty women (yeah). I tell him that I often go out to drink with friends but that tonight I didn't want to and that now I'm going to go back to sleep. He nods and tells me he's going to come home too and holds out his hand to say goodbye (phew !!). While shaking my hand, he tells me that it made him happy to meet me and chat with me, that I'm nice etc.… I smile politely while saying goodbye to him for the 5th or 6th time but he doesn't in the end to say goodbye to me while his left hand ostensibly readjusts his crotch, and suggests that I walk a bit together because he lives in the neighborhood. I refuse a little more firmly. He then tells me that I am right, that it is late and that he too is tired and he ends up freeing me anyway. I turn on my heels to go home. Obviously I caught him in the eye ... well he just wants to fuck and the first person who comes to his hand will do the trick ... and then he still insisted a lot on the fact that he was flirting with women… but I will not imagine anything with him, come on !!! I may be missing I respect myself enough not to hit me the first drunk I come !!! Nevertheless, this itch in the lower abdomen is still there ... Yes but ... but he is drunk and then circumcised, and I don't really like circumcised guys ... circumcised it's true but pretty tail ... I start to bend again… and then after all why not? I turn around and return hesitantly to the bench. He is no longer there of course and I am almost relieved when I see him in the distance walking towards the canal. I then decide to follow him and in my head the ideas jostle: I catch up with him and offer to take him home? I invite him to my house? We are now along the canal and I can see him approaching a bus shelter where a somewhat strong black woman is patient and whose outfit and attitude leave no room for interpretation: a whore! He wants to fuck and his choice is made visibly !! I just have to go home. Yet I still look at him while he talks with her, half relieved half angry at not having seized this opportunity and my lower abdomen which is working me harder, I have a hard-on almost completely now and luckily it is late because I am naked under my linen shorts and it does not hide anything of my condition. I'll leave when I see him do the same, alone. He left the bitch there and started walking again, so I followed him again and picked up the pace, determined to catch up with him and not to let a chance to send me run into the air, even if it meant getting thrown! By the way and in front of my clearly visible state, the bitch calls out to me in turn with a big hello darling, you need it looks like ... I shake my head and continue my pursuit. Three hundred meters more and he approaches the door of a building, he types a code on the keypad so I rush to catch up with him before the door closes. Too late! The door slams a few inches from my fingers but luckily it is glazed, I see him grabbing the handrail of a staircase and he's already halfway up… So I knock on the tile to let him know I'm there. After a second series of knocks, he stops and turns towards the door. He sees me and comes down. He opens and all surprised asks me how I found it, how I got there? I smile at him and tell him that I still want to talk with him, he strokes his crotch and says "you want to talk?" "Yes talk ... or something else ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Odors, Maghrebin