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My first time with a man

Publié par : jhrfm1306 le 12/05/2020

Let me tell you about my first time with a man, but since my last... I was then and still today married to a charming Arab girl with whom everything is perfect except sexually. is what pushed me to look elsewhere, as they say, because like all of us here, when we don't have our dose of sex, we all become "full".. anyway.It was about ten years ago after a good moment of abstinence with my wife, I decided after careful consideration to go for a walk in a place in my city (the segonnaux) towards the old recycling center where I knew that there was sometimes the possibility of making beautiful encounters.At first I left hoping I don't know why a meeting with who knows maybe a couple or a woman who wanted sex. I took my car to start turning and I had to go to the evidence but no women on the horizon.Despite my disappointment, I continued to drive past several men who were also looking for a moment as we all love them. The man inside was in his sixties. He asked me what I was looking for and the only answer I told him was I don't know. He then offered to suck me off and I don't know if it was fear of the unknown or something else, but I answered him with a very small no and left as quickly as possible.On the way back I was disturbed and didn't know what to do to excite and at the same time this fear of the first time with a man. I didn't know where I was but at the same time my cock started to move in my pants. Taken by an uncontrollable impulse I took my courage in both hands and decided to turn around. I start driving again hoping to find this man who had awakened a new desire in me and what a wonderful feeling when I saw his car coming towards mine. He opened his window and this time it was I who took the lead asking him where are we going? He asked me to follow him which I did more excited than ever. As I followed him I felt my cock becoming hard and going to burst i ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Mature, First time