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my beautiful daughter aurelie

Publié par : jesuisbi le 04/02/2018

i am a 48 year old man my name is charle my wife is 52 years old and her name is justine and we both live, i have no children on my side my wife has a 28 year old daughter aurelie who lives alone 15 kilometer from our place, I come home like every night from work but it is quite early around 4 p.m., my wife is telling me that she is going to go to the gym but that her daughter is going to pick up a package with some laundry. onts to buy together during the sales and what will be home around 7 p.m. I give her a kiss and tell her later my darling so I make myself a little coffee and a quarter of an hour after the doorbell rings I will open and its my beautiful daughter aurelie who asks me if her mother is there,I tell her she's gone to sport but she's going to be home in about 2 and a half hours if she wants to wait,So she told me that she had come to collect a package with linen but she had to try it before taking it I told her and well go to your mother's room and me the package and on the bed these is what she pushes a little the door but without closing it completely and as there is a mirror in the hallway I see her taking off the jeans, the t-shirt too and she finds herself in panties and bra and it must be said that it is not very large around 1 meter 60 but beautiful shape and a very beautiful face a beautiful 90 c chest and she opens the package and takes out a very fine panties and a bra so I tell myself that she is going to get naked to try these new purchases know what fit and I was bandaged like a horse to see her naked and I continue to look at her in reflectionacross the hallway mirror and then she put on her new bra her panties and the I don't know what he took from me I tried everything for the whole thing I got naked and I pushed open the door and she got it watch completely tethanize and I approached I put both hands on her breasts and she told me no you shouldn't do her no no these not good that but at the same time she didn't push me away because I think she was so surprised that she didn't I didn't know what to do anymore and I took off her bra I took down her panties with virility and I spread her thighs to her and she didn't move any more and didn't say anything at all I slipped my hand between her thighs tickles himnot if it took me I tried everything for the whole thing I got naked and I pushed the door and she looked at me completely tethanize and I approached I put both hands on her breasts and she left say no you mustn't do her no no these not well that but at the same time she won't push me away because I think she was so surprised that she didn't know what to do anymore and I took off her bra I took her little one down panties with virility and I spread her thighs and she does not move and said nothing at all I slip her hand between her thighs tickles hernot if it took me I tried everything for the whole thing I got naked and I pushed the door and she looked at me completely tethanize and I approached I put both hands on her breasts and she left say no you mustn't do her no no these not well that but at the same time she won't push me away because I think she was so surprised that she didn't know what to do anymore and I took off her bra I took her little one down panties with virility and I spread her thighs and she does not move and said nothing at all I slip her hand between her thighs tickles herbreasts and she told me no you must not do her no no these not well that but at the same time she did not push me away because I think she was so surprised that she no longer knew what to do and I took off her bra jy took down her panties with virility and I spread her thighs to her and she does not move and said nothing at all I slip her hand between her thighs titillates herbreasts and she told me no you must not do her no no these not well that but at the same time she did not push me away because I think she was so surprised that she no longer knew what to do and I took off her bra jy took down her panties with virility and I spread her thighs to her and ...

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Keywords : Hetero, First time, European