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Michel and Frédéric (4th part).

Publié par : michel17600 le 05/08/2021

Thank you to all of you, who took the time to read and write down. The results are very encouraging and I am happy about it. Do not hesitate to send me your comments, your suggestions. Some are already doing it and I am very grateful to them. My regret is that these are, by geography, inaccessible ... To all, a big kiss. *******************....... He comes to my lips for an almost modest kiss, stays there for a short time, and it will be on his knees that he will continue to make me the offering of his greedy kisses on the belly, encircling my buttocks with his caressing hands. My body undulates with pleasure under this sensual wave and a delectable tremor that I can not repress seizes my whole being when Frédéric begins to unbuckle the belt of my jeans with a deliciously painful slowness ... He raises his head, looking at me in questioning. silent and I'm about to encourage him to continue on his way when he abruptly stops his business. As if apologizing, he slips me almost in a low voice: - You want to continue right away or we willstop a little ? - Why ? you do not want anymore ?- Oh yes ! but you know, there may be times when we can take a pose to start afresh. It can stir up envy. You know the adage: "One hundred times on the loom, put your work back" ... - Well, if you want to put it back a hundred times, you will have to stop ... - Ninety-nine times! Then ? - You're the one saying.- Ah well, I feel that you want to continue right away. Note, me too, and then we'll have all night!- All night long ?- Yes, since we're going to have dinner together ... - Huh?- I told you earlier but you were already ... your head elsewhere ... "While speaking, Frédéric went to the bookcase cabinet and, by maneuvering the two low doors, he released a folding bed which seemed quite comfortable. - There, the room is completely furnished ... Wait, don't move. We're going to pick up where I left off ... " He comes back to me, taking off his shirt (which I would have been happy to take away from him even if I hadn't put as much science into it as he did)), he takes me in his arms, grabs my belt buckle: - Why did you tie it up? You thought you got away with it, my rascal? Wait a minute, you'll see! "By pretending to jump on me, he falls to his knees in front of me, grabbing my pelvis, my buttocks he begins to knead and, his mouth on my jeans, he feels my erect penis with his parted lips. He follows the growth, he knows by my movements that I like it and he continues, biting the fabric like a young puppy would do with a stuffed toy.In the position he is in, I can't do much for him other than stroke his wavy hair where my fingers playfully wander. Then they come to venture at the base of his neck where they frolic for a few moments. Frédéric looks up, his handsome, slightly wild face turned towards me, smiling, his clear eyes expressing a question: "Can I continue?" He rested his head against my bare belly, his hands pinch my breasts, d 'at first slightly then a little louder and I let out an involuntary little cry.- I hurt you ?- No, it's nothing, I wasn't expecting it.- Wait ... " He got up and put his mouth on the bruised breast and with his tongue, he tickles the tip. - Yes, thank you, but ... that should not prevent you from continuing!- Great greedy, go! " And we both laugh when it comes to feed lips and tongue in the hair of my chest and my stomach. - Stop a bit, Frédéric, I would also like to do you good. - You know, I am well as when you're well it is the goal of the game, no.? - But for now, it is you who leads, this game ... - it's normal, I'm the leader and c I am ordering! "While he laughs at his own repartee, I nail his beak with a kiss that, without doubt being that of records, takes both of us out of our breath. A kiss that has nothing to do with the one that Prince Charming modestly offered to his Sleeping Beauty! A kiss in apnea! ... During this time, my two arms encircled Frederic's waist and my hands glide curiously on his buttocks. I note with pleasure not only the roundness but also the promising firmness. Quickly, my fingers want to risk an incursion on the skin of his kidneys by trying to violate the barrier of the belt but it is too tight, or else, I do it very badly ...Frédéric guesses my intention and of his own accord unbuckles his belt and begins to unfasten a fly button, but I strongly prevent him from doing so: let me alone achieve my ends! The discovery of the coveted object is all the more pleasant if the wait has been long and patient. This is at least my point of view and it seems to me well shared by my lover.And it is not head-on that I want to discover it, myself, but from behind, like a traitor ... I did say "discover", not "attack"! Once the belt barrier is crossed, my hands take possession of the land. My fingers go there in recognition and meet no obstacle. Frederic has a movement of the pelvis that slides his jeans and releases her buttocks which appear to me in all the virginity of her white underwear. My daring initiative has borne fruit, the place is free and asks only to be invested! But, patience ... patience ... I want to be sure that the occupant is in place and take him by surprise. Without warning, I finished sliding the pants off at the same time as the underpants, at the same time as Frédéric turned to face me and .. . I discover a lookout at attention emerging from the bushes. A lookout? rather the barrel of a cannon! It is true that I do not have many points of comparison, but what is available to me is of honorable proportions. I lick my chops, before my chops lick it ... The rare times I gave myself u ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Teens, First time, Studies