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La Rochelle sauna 1 (true story)

Publié par : martin17 le 18/12/2016

My business trips in the south east are rare, it has been a few months since I have visited a sauna. My pussy and my mouth have been asking for an active tail for several days.I take advantage of shopping as a single person in La Rochelle to go to a sauna that I do not know, the desire being too strong. The entrance is very discreet, it is important for a married man like me. I pay, come home, it's dark, the time that my eyes adjust I find the locker room and undress. The fact of undressing gives me known sensations, tingling in all the body, especially at the level of my puck. I walk quickly to the showers, I have a desire to pump that takes me in the guts. In the shower I wash my private parts and take advantage of watching the first cock I've seen in months. Hmm, the desire is growing. Like hungry I rush out of the shower and head towards the libertine space. Fuck can people !!! I visit the sauna, not very hot and a little old man not really appetizing.I go upstairs, several cabins open nobody inside.Oh great a cabin with lots of glory holes that give into the access corridor, I already love it. The very average movie theater with a guy who seems to be bored. I go back down and go to the hammam, I sit down the temperature is good, I ask myself and take advantage of the moment. My eyes having taken a little time to adapt to the density of the vapor and the little luminosity, I realize that I am not alone. There is a guy in a corner two meters from me, he looks pretty fucked up, in addition he jerks off, his cock quite a bit despite the steam I estimate at 18cm. I watch him, I hope he saw that I was looking at his cock, then got up and left the hammam. I decide to go upstairs and settle in the glory hole cabin.I hope that the man in the hammam will have understood and will go up in a few moments.I watch through the holes, I'm horny like a horny little bitch, but apart from old people, still nothing. After five minutes I hear footsteps going up the stairs, my heart quickens, I stick my face to the hole closest to the cabin door, it looks like the man is younger, he fits to the guy from the hammam.And there happiness, a beautiful cock still at rest presents itself in front of my lips, I immediately swallow presto, it smells good, it is soft and begins to swell, I pass my tongue, go back and forth, suck, I m ' applied.I was in need and in an instant the frustration evaporates, it's ecstasy I adore, I tremble like a leaf, I band like a madman, I accelerate, I want to behave like a little whore in heat.I open the door, he does not need to be asked to come in, surprised to discover the unknown,He settles down and takes me in hand immediately, he is interventionist and obviously active, I crack, he kisses my mout ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy, Submission/domination, Married