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Publié par : aubois33 le 13/05/2024

At that time I was in transvestite. For quite a while I have been restricted to abstinence. Indeed, between a small health problem and the surveillance of a house I was not able to go out and as I had to refuse several meetings; the gentlemen concerned did not contact me again. So when finally available I receive a message, I open it immediately and I am surprised to discover that a young person from Bordeaux, who has seen my profile, asks me if I can initiate it. He is a young man of 18 who has never had sex but who is dying to do so. He still hesitates; attracted to both men and women. Gégé explains to me that he is shy and doesn't dare approach anyone and that after reading my profile he finally starts. After my confirmation of being a slut ready to show him everything he wants, he asks me to take care of his initiation. After a long conversation about his desires and although a little wary, I decided to accept an appointment. As he does not yet have a driving license I am obliged to approach him and at the time of the appointment I park along the Garonne, Quai des Queyries. I barely have time to get to the back of my camper when there is already a knock at the door. I open it and see a young boy smiling at me with a questioning look. “Come in quickly... you’re not late, I say!” » “I was too impatient and I was afraid that you wouldn't come” Fortunately I had prepared and changed a little before the meeting place and it was in a little slut's outfit that I received my guest. Gégé details me with gusto, it must be said that my outfit does not inspire one to be demure: black mini-skirt (just to hide my genitals), top with straps slipping over the shoulders, fishnet stockings, booties and lipstick (very red) . I let him devour me with his eyes. He doesn't dare to move so I take his hand and pull him towards me. After a few discreet caresses I lower my hands towards her lower abdomen. " Wow ! But I mean, you're hard as hell! » Small smile, but too shy he still doesn't dare to move. I slowly undo his pants which fall at his feet then slide his boxers. His cock literally springs out and stands proudly in front of me. He seems a little embarrassed but at the same time very proud too. It is with a certain tenderness that I take hold of this beautiful cock which, although not very big, is very pleasant to handle. I slowly undo it and start to slowly jerk off this beautiful penis. My young friend sighs happily but still doesn't participate. I have to take his hand, put it under my skirt and place it on one of my buttocks. " I can kiss you ? » he asks me, always a little embarrassed. “of course and also using familiar terms given what we are going to do together” And in the process we have a big skate which makes me hard while his hand, finally, visits the place a little. However, my stretched cock touches his leg and very quickly Gégé advances his other hand towards it. His 2 hands find themselves exploring under my skirt. I let him do it for a moment then decide to take care of his cock stretched towards me. Slowly I kneel in front of him and take hold of his penis. He stiffens a little but lets himself stretch his body towards my mouth. Insensibly I bring his glans into my mouth which I caress with my tongue and my lips which I tighten on this knot hardened by so much excitement. I release the pressure and focus on licking him while my hands gently caress his balls. Finally I swallow, gradually, but entirely his rod. Gégé moans with happiness with his head tilted back. After a few back and forths, I have to stop sucking him for fear that he will ejaculate straight away. He is in heaven. I get up and he takes the initiative to kiss me and grabs my cock. “can I suck you?” » “you do whatever you want to me, that’s what I’m here for, enjoy!” » Very quickly he introduces my cock into his mouth and after a few, somewhat clumsy back and forth movements, pushes it all the way to the back of his throat. Too deep, he gags and gets up quickly. “Undress you will be better” He obeys and lies down on the bed naked. I slide in next to him and start trailing kisses down his body. ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy, Teens, First time, Trav