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Good plan with two gays

Publié par : malebi31 le 12/02/2021

On this July day, I'm hot and I want sex. I can't find anything where the guys are far away where they're mythos. I am able to receive nothing but nothing. I feel like I have left for a wave to calm myself down, when a nickname that has just connected catches my attention. A priori 2 active / passive guys looking for a third. They are not far and give me their tel. I call they look cool and hot. I get hotter and hotter, my pussy is on fire, I want cocks and cocks that's even better. We exchange a few photos and there once they have seen my ass and I have seen their cocks, it is not appropriate to meet. I jump in the car and 20 terminals later I park in front of their house. They had explained to me how to get in.I knock and enter as agreed. The two fellows are sitting one on an armchair the other in the sofa and his naked. Hmmmm, I immediately noticed two beautiful rods. I say hello and in less time than it takes to write it I am also naked. One of the two said to me, laughing: Oh yes! direct!. To which I answer that I came for it. He immediately orders me to come and pump, calling me a bitch. It starts well, I love directive guys and harsh words.I kneel on the carpet and take in the mouth the one who is now lying on the sofa. His cock hardened immediately and takes up the space in my slutty mouth. The other on sight of my ass, that I arch well, on purpose and he masturbates. At one point he tells his buddy that I have a great ass. TheThey tell me that they had just kissed, but that suddenly it made you want, and while approaching he told me that he was going to bugger me.I turned around leaving the first tail to immediately take the other in the m ...

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Keywords : Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Threesomes