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First time

Publié par : trav_a_jus le 30/06/2022

I was 16, kissed a few girls but no more, had no thoughts about it going any further.I was in private high school in Chantilly riding as an apprentice jockey, at the time I weighed barely 45 kilos for 1.65m. Suffice to say that I was vulnerable in the evening in the Paris region when I went out with friends in town, often Paris.Of course one evening I returned to Chantilly alone and hitchhiking was common for short journeys when there were no more buses. I walked for miles without meeting anyone. I saw a car pass by me, slowing down and then going back a few minutes later in the opposite direction, the man who was driving alone understood that I was walking home on foot in the open countryside. Then of course he turned around to stop a few meters in front of me and to lower the window on the passenger side.I reach him and he asks me if he can drop me off somewhere. I say yes with pleasure, tired of walking and especially want to shower and go to bed. I go up because he had a nice smile and seemed reassuring to me. We were about ten kilometers from Chantilly and he was driving slowly, as if to take the time to chat with me. I briefly explain the situation to him and he offers to have a bite to eat at his place, I accept a little quickly and then don't dare to come back to this agreement.We arrive in a pretty house a few hundred meters from the school. As he enters he leads me past, and the few steps in front of him very close make me feel that he is staring at my ass. I'm embarrassed but I tell myself that I'm making movies. We go into the kitchen and offer me a quick snack before taking me back to school. We continue to discuss and he offers me to shower on the spot before, I accept so as not to appear fleeing. Inevitably he offers me to shower in the bathroom of his room in front of his huge bed with his tidy room. He asks me if he can stay in the bathroom while I shower to brush my teeth, I accept without false modesty and soap myself everywhere knowing that he is looking at me and guessing me through the glass door. I go out, he is in front of me, grabs me a towel and leaves the bathroom. Once dried I go out and he was waiting for me sitting on the edge of the bed and told me that he is tired and that if I wanted to sleep here he would drop him off at school tomorrow morning. Tired too I acceptvet he tells me by pulling the sheets that I could sleep next to him. From the beginning I knew I would end up in his bed, and I did nothing to give it up when each time I had the choice to refuse and get dropped off at school. I went to bed naked, without a towel, without panties, because I felt that I would have taken it off a few minutes later. He switches off the light and a few seconds later I feel his hand caressing my leg, and an erection takes hold of me like I want to have sex anyway. He touches my tight little cock like a small piece of bamboo and laughs, telling me he didn't think I would have that effect. The rest followed quickly, caressing my stomach, between my thighs, then my anus, taking me in his arms and kissing me greedily with his tongue and fiddling with his nipples. I had become a young female who was going to be deflowered. I told him it was my first time, and he reassured me by promising to go slowly and gradually. He directed my head towards his cock, huge enough for me, who had never had the opportunity to hold one so big and hard. My mouth had a hard time taking it all in, so I only knew his glans and his balls were so hot. At that moment he turned on the light and told me that I must also enjoy it, and I accepted that too. He was already on the verge of ejaculation and turns me like a pancake on my stomach, spreads my legs and arches my back, pressing my head against the mattress and lifts my pelvis by pulling on my hips. I had the buttocks in the air, the ass offered to sex and I never imagined that it could enter somewhere in me. I felt th ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Ados, Forty, Mature, First time, Submission/domination, Studies