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First blowjob:

Publié par : wilson le 09/05/2021

Hello, my name is Wilson and I am going to tell you about the first time I sucked a guy. Although I had long been attracted to boys, I had always forbidden myself to live this desire. In the small town in the southwest where I grew up, you could be a lot of things as long as you were a real guy, but you couldn't be PD. However, I fantasized about some of my comrades whom I observed on the sly, in the shower after the sport, and I managed to always be the last to leave the locker room, because once alone, I went back to the shower and I pleased me alone by seeing in my thoughts the bodies and sexes of my comrades ... I had a few flirtations with nice girls and some even got attached to them, but deep down I was dreaming of something else. It was not until I got to college that I decided to live this increasingly powerful call within me. However, it was out of the question to live it in the open, but that did not pose any problems and I was probably not the only one who wanted to live this part of my life in secret, the messages written on the walls of the toilets at the university do not were saying nothing else. You all know these proposals for discreet sex plans that have long "decorated" the walls of the toilets. So I started to haunt some WCs at the university, where the proposals were the most numerous. Without much success, moreover, not really daring to approach the passing boys. I still enjoyed seeing all these tails and I thought about it at night, jerking off and telling myself that I will manage to tackle one, one day.Yet everything changed one day, when a natural need came between two lessons, I was unable to use the urinals, which were already all occupied, and went to a cabin. Busy relieving myself I do not pay attention to the comings and goings around me, to the characteristic noise of the doors of the cabins next door that we open or close ... but suddenly I feel, in these toilets without windows and slightly overheated , a current of air brushing my cock. I am a little surprised and once finished urinating I look for the origin of this impromptu draft. I discovered, leaning under the paper dispenser, a hole in the partition, not huge but enough to fit two fingers, and which offers a fairly good view of the cabin next door. At this moment a boy pushes the door and enters the cabin and the same movement of air as earlier occurs. I quickly withdraw from in front of the hole so as not to be surprised, get out of the cabin and after washing my hands, go back to class. But I recorded the information. A few hours later I'm back. The toilets seem empty and I take this opportunity to check the cabins one by one. Only the one I used in the morning is fitted out in this way. I lock myself in, turn off the light so as not to be seen and after taking down my clothes I sit down on the toilet and watch through the hole for a boy to arrive. My teacher let us go earlier than expected but now it's the intercourse and there should be traffic. Indeed, soon, boys arrive, and noises, I can almost "see" their comings and goings in front of the urinals or in the cubicles but no one in the cubicle next door. Finally, a boy enters the cabin and positions himself in front of the toilet. The hole is definitely well placed because it allows me to see the boy undo his fly, take out his penis and urinate. I am hardly more than 40 cm from him and he does not know that I am observing him in this very intimate moment. He shakes himself to remove the last drop, gets dressed and leaves the toilet which has emptied in the meantime.I start to stroke myself thinking back to the show I just attended when I hear someone enter the bathroom, then a few seconds later try to open the door to my cabin, noting that it is busy, he goes into the cabin next door, I am delighted to be able to watch another handsome male on the sly and I'm not disappointed, he lowers his fly, takes out his member but instead of pissing, he begins to fondle himself. His already pretty cock begins to gain momentum under his jerk off and I start to think that he knows he is being watched because he is turned towards the partition and not towards the bowl and gently arches to be well in front of the hole. I am more and more excited and tell myself that maybe this is the opportunity I was hoping for. I feverishly search my school bag for a piece of paper and a pen. In the half-light dimly lit by the rays of light which pass around the door and through the hole, I hastily write these few words: "nice cock, I suck you?" ". I roll up the paper and slide it through the hole. He stops jerking off, hesitates a few seconds, then tears the paper off the wall and reads it. He stays there for a moment, the tail still bandaged which points under my nose then throws the paper, gets dressed and leaves the cabin. I am disappointed but it only lasts a few seconds because very quickly someone knocks on my cabin door, a little nervous I get up and unlock the door. Immediately she swivels and a short-haired blond boy, dressed in jeans and a tweed jacket, enters my cabin. He's thin and the bump that distorts his crotch leaves no room for doubt, he closes the door behind him and turns on the light. I put my hands on h ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, First time, Studies