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Education V - First Sale Part 3

Publié par : eerica le 17/08/2019

The men who were looking at me rather silently were just waiting for this, I heard a murmur of satisfaction surely rise, which did not bode well, there was also a long stick, an object which seemed soft like a dildo but very long and another that I was looking at, a black object, no doubt it was a huge cock, his disproportionate glans seemed more pointed than a normal glans, which must have allowed him to be introduced into holes that were too small and I didn't I dared to imagine the sequel. The fear had risen I couldn't stop crying I had I also saw a hook with a ball instead of the tip, then oblong metal objects with it! screws that had to be able to open or close at will and finally a hammer and three huge wooden stakes. I felt the panic rising- please, please, I'll be nice... my voice was interrupted by sobs, I heard a few chuckles bursting out, a hand took my hair, it was the host. He wanted to be reassuring. He ran his hand over my face smearing my tears.- Come on little cat, don't put yourself in such a state, we're here for fun, we're going to take care of you and make you come, you know when you get out of here you'll want us to start over. – then louder – Isn't it gentlemen that they all want us to start over?he had passed a finger in my mouth I calmed down by sucking it. I felt him caress my buttocks. The guests watched the scene calmly, curious and attentive. The hand left my face- Come on baby, which object are you afraid of? – I saw his finger pointing at the stake . I nodded yes with my head.- It's nothing baby - the finger came back in my mouth I sucked again - but baby don't be afraid you'll see how soft we are - a second finger appeared, I opened my mouth to take it too - with we're only going to have fun, we're going to make you the perfect whore.I felt a finger that went into my buttocks and began a very gentle back and forth while a third finger came against my tongue. My Pleasure was rising, I was starting to moan. The man was satisfied.- That's it very well.I moaned louder there were a few approvals - I felt he put a second finger in my ass. While sucking I thanked him. He removed his hand from my mouth.- I didn't understand - Thank you, that's so good, thank you - he smiled and placed a kiss on my cheek.Bending down he grabbed a pink dodemiche of a relatively modest size and presented it to my lips? I began to suck it greedily- gently, gently - I was calming the rhythm - That's it, that's good... Gentlemen we have a challenge tonight - he was speaking to everyone speaking loudly - Gentlemen the goal and to work this little pussy until she begs us to smash her in the bed a long instinctive no came out, panicked I started crying again, embarrassed by the fingers that remained in my mouth, but I could no longer suck them under the sobs. Finally he removed his hand and tugged at my hair bringing my tear-stained face up. My sobs wouldn't stop, he caressed my cheeks, I realized he was caressing my buttocks too.- Don't put yourself in such a state, I tell you, it was a joke, don't worry. He passed his hand again on my cheek spreading my tears.- Come on, we forget all that, come among us.He pushed the coffee table aside and pulled the cart to the couches in the middle of the group.- first we will introduce you to the pleasure of the cigar. Have you ever smoked it? – I shook my head no – would you like to try – I said no again – because you don't know, you'll see! I'll light you one and you'll take your teeth! You have to take it between your teeth because if you put it between your lips it will fall, it's too heavy.On top he slipped a cigar in my mouth, I took it as requested between my teeth. - it's good ; and now aspire. - I closed my lips on the cigar and inhaled, the acrid and strong smoke entered my lungs and made me cough violently.- So what ? it's not a cigarette, the cigar should not be swallowed, its to be savored eh. You did not know ?Still coughing, I shook my head no.- Ben my cat, while waiting fortunately that I caught it, otherwise it fell on my carpet! you wouldn't want to set fire to my rug said?- No, sorry, sorry, I'm sorry.- Good. We're going to try something that might be on your mind.He wet my anus with his finger and then fingered me a little. Then out came an object a little bigger than his finger entered. A few guests moved to see my ass.- Come on, suck with your ass now, then you should be able to smoke – I tried to inflate and deflate my belly, but it didn't seem to be satisfactory? I received a slap on the buttock - Come on, shoot with your lips, make your little pussy work! all good whores must know how to do that, it's a sign that they know how to take care of a cock!I tried to move my anus by contracting it.- not terrible, huh! no results here either. Come on, I'll leave it to you, train yourself, and beware if it goes out! you know what i do if it goes out – he had come close to my ear and was speaking in a soft voice. I shook my head no. – I give them your ass as an ashtray. But I'll ask them to put their butts on your butt and put them on you! the idea made me panic, I begged him not to do anything about it, he slapped my buttocks and told me to train with good will. Then he lit another cigar - As I'm nice, I'm going to share another cigar with you, don't drop it, huh!He slipped a new cigar between my teeth. I just sucked into my mouth and spit out the smoke, opening my lips. He seemed satisfied, but during this time he had lit a second one which he also put in my mouth. – go ahead – I just put the smoke in my mouth and spit it out. A third cigar joined the other two, how far would it go? I complied with the exercise and spit out the smoke. He congratulated me but a fourth entered. I managed to redo the exercise but the cigars pushed my lips to either side. He crouched down in front of me, held them in my mouth as he pushed the middle two aside and then put in a fifth. I spat out the smoke. – that's good, very good, keep it up, keep calm. A hand h ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Sodomy, Teens, Forty, Mature, Submission/domination, BDSM, European, Maghrebin, Black, Trav, Threesomes