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Education V - First Sale Part 2

Publié par : eerica le 18/06/2018

Jonathan pulled me outside, it was dark and the air was cold, I was shivering behind him, Alain was following us. Arrived at the R15, He made me lie down on the floor mat between the front and rear seats. When it was done one threw a blanket over me. I heard Alain grumble at Jean who had left, depriving them of the audi. I understood that they used to use the big trunk of Jean's three volumes to transport their sex slaves. Which let me think that I was not the first nor the last to go through this.We left, the road was not long. After barely 10 minutes the car stopped. I heard voices, the door opened and the blanket came off. Jonathan had crouched down in front of me and was pulling the leash, he clicked his tongue, indeed, I had no choice but to get out of the car on all fours. Arrived at him he stroked my head laughing, and told me to get up and threw the blanket over my shoulders. I was in front of a large house, a door was lit in front of us towards which Jonathan pulled me already. I entered. Always shot by Jonathan. We walked silently down a hallway. Distant echoes of voices and laughter reached us. Some people were partying! There were other corridors all deserted, I had no doubt that the blanket had been thrown over my shoulder, not to protect me from the cold, but in the event of an unexpected encounter. We had to get closer to the place of the party because the noises were getting louder, Alain walked past, I could tell he was nervous, checking the corridors, signaling to Jonathan that we could move on. At one point we walked past the swinging doors of what looked like a kitchen.Then Alain gently opened the first door on the right, stuck his head in and motioned to go inside. The room appeared to be a reserve. Square, concrete floor, with shelves cluttered with boxes around the edge and a metal trolley left in the middle. Alain found a broom and passed it through the door handle so that no one came in. The blanket was taken away from me, and they made me lie down on the crossbody and on my stomach. The contact with the cold metal made me shiver. Alain pulled ropes from a bag he had taken. He twisted a rope several times around my right ankle and pulled to the right, passed the rope through the side of the cart and came and tied the other end to my right wrist. The same treatment was applied to the left so that I found myself on the servant; arms and legs apart without touching the ground. The head on one side of the ass carriage pushed aside and offered on the other.I was excited, I held myself back from moaning. I felt a hand caress my buttocks, fingers brushed my anus. I moan. - It's good, you're going to be good, you're going to respond well to men, you're going to show them that you're nice and that you like to be fucked! OK?- Yes Master.- You'd better! because my reputation is at stake! I trained you and I want my whores to like me. So if I have the slightest unpleasant remark about you, I'll make you regret it. Understood! - Yes Master.I felt like a real sexual object, offered, vulnerable. I was afraid, but I had every intention of pleasing and I found Master Stone's warning superfluous. They threw the blanket over me again and I was rolled down the hall. After bifurcating twice we arrive in a lighted room. Light filtered through the blanket. I saw a black and white tiled floor then a wooden floor. I guessed a large room. The cart stopped. I heard Jonathan tell me not to make any noise. Superfluous remark, he probably didn't notice that since I came out of my closet I haven't emitted a single moan.The cover was removed. The man who came to the reduced is in front of me. I am both happy and reassured. Next to me I see the stone upright of what must be a fireplace, but I'm facing the wall and I can't see the rest of the room. The man strokes my hair - Well, she's ready to please you – said Alain in a low voice.- Yes, I'm sure ! - said the ironic man.I see him turn on his heels and someone blindfolds me. Total black. Worry overtakes me. I hear objects being placed on the lower plate of the trolley, just under me, I also hear Alain ordering me to open my mouth. When I execute a gag is passed between my teeth, I feel my lips pulled on the sides. Then the footsteps recede, all I can hear is the muffled sound of the party.A few moments later I have the impression that the noise is clearer, I understand that the door to the room is. Indeed there are footsteps in the living room where I am, conversations, laughter, I distinguish from time to time the hoarse voice of the tall bearded man with glasses. There are noises of glass, I smell the smell of tobacco. I can neither speak nor see. No one seems to pay attention to me. I try to guess the number of men there but it's hard to say, I hear several intertwined conversations, which means several groups, that is to say at least five or six men, few to be you anymore. No doubt more. I would be surprised. I'm really going to be fucked like a whore! ... I feel the excitement coming over me. Suddenly it is precisely the hoarse voi ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Teens, Forty, Mature, Submission/domination, BDSM, European, Maghrebin, Black, Trav, Threesomes