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Education V - First Sale - Part 1

Publié par : eerica le 06/05/2018

I must have fallen asleep. I woke up feeling my feet pulled, I wanted to move but my bonds prevented me. I came to my senses and remembered where I was. I didn't want to open my eyes. The glow through my eyelids told me the light had been turned on. People were busy around me. At that moment I had this feeling of being a thing. Whatever they want, I couldn't resist, but strangely I was reassured that they were there. They hadn't forgotten me, left me to mope at the bottom of this cellar, no, they were there for me! I liked this idea. I couldn't move or talk anymore and I could only say what they wanted but I already felt turned on and I knew I would do whatever they wanted as best I could. Was it possible that even my desires no longer belong to me? My ankles were pulled up and I heard a metallic sound. I opened my eyes.A hook had been passed through the strand of rope between my ankles and my wrists. This one was bound by a rope that I watched. She went up to the ceiling or she passed through a hook, then she joined a machine which must have been a hoist. I had not realized the presence of this material in the reduced before. Alain activated the chains of the hoist and the hook went up. I would soon find myself hanging upside down and upside down. Jonathan leaned against me, stroking my hair, telling me not to worry. Alain approached and gently removed the god from my buttocks. He oiled it again, handed it to me and went back and forth twice, I moaned!- What does one say ?- thank you, thank you master- I don't want to have to ask every time for you to say it!- Yes Master.Finally he removed the dildo and they went out closing the door and leaving me dangling, still excited, at the end of my rope. The light had stayed on, they would probably be back shortly. My neck muscles ache again, I searched for a more comfortable position for my head, but in the end I could only let it hang back.When the door opened again I couldn't see who had entered. A few footsteps were heard in the recess. In the position where I was with my head hanging back I could only see a part of the ground which was the one opposite the door. several people had returned, the smell of cigars soon gave me an idea of ​​who was there! Bernard! I was reassured, in my memory he had never been cruel or mean to me. The steps resumed, a pair of impeccably polished brown shoes had just entered my field of vision. Above gray pants that let imagine that the individual was dressed with care. The smell of cigars was the only point in common with Bernard. For the rest the man was a stranger. A fifth friend they would have invited to take advantage of me? He continued to walk around me, he said nothing. I felt his warm hand go inside my thighs, then on my chest, he pinched my nipple hard, I moaned, I felt a caress on my hair then the hand went up along my arms. He spun me around, which shifted my field of vision. I now saw the door to the closet and two pairs of legs. My master, whose jeans and dress shoes I recognized, who was leaning against the wall, and Jonathan with his black trousers, legs crossed in the doorway. These pants that I had so much trouble untying in the car in the early afternoon. Thinking about it I realized that, ignoring how long I had slept, I didn't even know if the day had already dawned or if it was still Monday evening.The man continued his inspection of me, a bit like buying an animal, under the silent gaze of Alain and Jonathan.Her hoarse voice was heard - Are you sure she's well behaved? I understand you haven't had it for a long time!- Indeed, but that's a slut of choice! Besides, if you want a demonstration... - No!The man caressed my ass with his warm hand, I began to moan softly. He spun me around again, grabbed my head by the hair and lifted it. I discovered it then. Hefty, he wore a gray suit over a black high-necked polo shirt, dark eyes behind tortoiseshell glasses, thick eyebrows and a thick beard and a cigar screwed into his mouth.I did my best to look docile, I kept my lips open. They had been dry since I slept, I ran my tongue through them. He pulled on his cigar and gently blew the smoke into my face which stung my eyes and throat and made me cough. As he wouldn't let me go, I did my best to open my mouth and moisten my lips, it was more difficult for me to open my eyes which were stinging me and I had to blink several times, I felt a tear come out. was escaped. The man had put his cigar back in his mouth, I expected him to do it again.- She wakes up, she's clumsy but it's going to come, says Alain against the man.- Nope. As far as I'm concerned, she's perfect. I take !Saying this he caressed my cheek. He patted it gently then slowly released his grip accompanying my head ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Masturbation, Sodomy, Teens, Forty, Mature, Submission/domination, Fetish, Odors, Uro/Scat, European, Threesomes