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education IV - domination (Part 1)

Publié par : eerica le 26/03/2018

The car was rolling, Eddy Mitchell's hits were linked. Soon the music stopped and the slamming of a door and then a second told me that we had arrived. Expecting to see the trunk open I wondered what attitude to adopt. They seemed to like whining. But the safe did not open, silence had fallen.Have they forgotten me? not possible, leaving me in the trunk is yet another punishment, one more humiliation!My forearms, under my back, ached, I tried to arch my back to reduce the weight on them, but in my squirms, with the narrowness of the chest my knee hit the sheet metal which resounded. I did not know where they were, I was afraid that they had heard and that it would cost me further punishment. I saw Jean again with his belt in his hand, no really, given my situation I did not find it smart to risk being beaten.Besides, I had thought about it during the trip, it seemed to me that the best I could do was to apply myself to answer what they wanted, to be the bitch they were waiting for, hoping that that at least allows to avoid the abuse because I was afraid that they would hurt me, that they hit me for their pleasure. Sexually I belonged to them already. They could also offer me to other guys or even prostitute me? I have already prepared myself, to please obey and offer myself, I enjoyed the evening they were all there and I decided to do my best. But while I was lost in my thoughts, no one came and I stayed like that, being cold in total darkness for a time that seemed very long to me.Finally there were footsteps on the gravel and the trunk opened. the light of day made me squint. So we were still in the middle of the day, so it hadn't been as long as I thought I was there! I thought that at this rate the week was going to be long ... - ah, it stinks of piss, shit There was a slight settling of scores between Jean and Alain, the first reproaching the second for pissing me on the hair and put in his safe, which now will have to wash it so that the smell goes away, that next time he just had to put me in his own safe.Master Alain retorted that it was not complicated to wash a trunk and that anyway this kind of package did not go in the tailgate of the R15.I, who knew nothing about cars out of Renault or other basic Peugeot, I learned through their shouting that I was in the trunk of an Audi.The spat did not last, Alain asked that they "put me in the garage". I was pulled out of the car and carried by the ankles and armpits, and again by Jonathan and Bernard.They took me to the back of the garage, located under the house. I recognized while passing the stairs that I had already climbed, I was a little reassured to see that I was at Alain's. At home, as with most houses in the region, the basement covers the entire area and the garage itself is only part of it. For the rest it is used according to the will of the owner, often people make a cellar, a laundry room, a workshop, some install an additional room, other rooms for the sport, and there also, like j I was going to learn it, from people who make pieces reserved for less respectable activities, dedicated to satisfying the lewdness and the outbursts of lust of the owner and his guests. Alain was one of those. At his request I was taken to a small room lit by a rather sparse bulb and placed on the "bench". A large plank table pushed up against one of the walls. From what I could see the cubicle seemed empty, there was only this rough wooden table I had been placed on. The wood was damaged, blackened in places: no doubt it was a workbench, I had seen it in the garage of my town. Apparently no tools were lying around, it seemed as empty as the rest of the cubicle.I heard the cars leave. I was worried, I had no idea what was going to happen. Soon Alain returned with a steaming basin and a plastic flask- it's true that you stink! I'm going to wash your hair, I'll take off the gag, here you can shout whatever you want, no one will hear you!I didn't know how to interpret her sentence, my worry didn't go away, it was clear that they weren't going to just fuck me, otherwise they would have done it already. I was really at their mercy. I refrained from crying again.As promised he took off the gag and then took my panties out of my mouth. He positioned me so that my head cam ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Bisexual, Masturbation, Sodomy, Ados, Teens, Forty, Mature, Submission/domination, Fetish, BDSM, European, Black, Trav, Threesomes