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DIY Store Suite

Publié par : loulou3131 le 06/02/2023

Suite Charlie is very happy to stay, I open the doorman to Yoan, he takes the elevator and arrives at the door. He brought a bottle of wine because we have to watch a basketball game He is surprised to find me shirtless only in boxers Yoan hears a noise in the bathroom and says to me “you are not alone no” “j I have a friend who came by to put the shelves for me” We go to the sofa and I turn on the TV. Charlie comes out of the bathroom just in his underwear and a towel on his back. We make the usual introductions, Yoan is a little embarrassed but nothing more and looks at me and feigns a wink “If you guys feel like it, I'll order three pizzas and we'll eat together.”Unanimous answer. Charlie adds “for me a royal is second-hand” . I place the order.Yoan sat down on the sofa, I sat next to him. Charlie takes the chair.Charlie keeps opening and closing his legs and I see that from time to time Yoan gives a glance at the crotch Well on my Charlie starts to get hard again. His underpants are well stocked, the conversation continues on the match which has not yet started. Yoan then talks to him about his work as a furniture salesman Charlie says to him “ you have to meet beautiful girls or handsome boys Yoan replies “Yes especially the girls” to make it clear that he is straight 'he adds that he cannot mix work and private life.The pizza delivery man rings, I put on my shorts and a T-shirt and I go downstairs to pay and take the pizzas. I go back up and there surprise I see my naked Charlie between the legs of Yoan who has lost his shorts and boxer swallowing Yoan's cock as he had done to me before Yoann is more than embarrassed by my return and for the relax I said to him “he sucks like a god” yes you answer me You should know that Yoan knows my gay tendencies but between friends we have never broached this subject I have already seen him naked during the showers after the training but I never hit on him that 's how Charlie says to me "give me some gel" I go get it while getting rid of my clothes, Charlie swallows the cock and Yoan has his eyes closed while saying "damn that's good" Charlie takes the gel and starts fingering it, I kneel down to see the show while touching me. One finger he says nothing, he adds gel and puts on a second one while pumping it.Yoan says nothing, he is in ecstasy. I take advantage of lowering a little more to suck Charlie who appreciates he adds gel and puts it on his third finger. Yoan gestures to really feel ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Bisexual, Sodomy, First time