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Competent Plumber

Publié par : pourroutier38 le 17/10/2020

Story lived today on 10/16/20, fully true with no fantasized additions except the first name of the plumber! Story published after agreement of the main protagonist ;-) Again thank you for your notes and your feedback in MP it's gratifying. Obviously what turns me on in a relationship cannot turn everyone on, I also understand that my writing style does not please everyone ... It's a sharing of experience, no more and no less, the same that you give me your positive comments, do not hesitate to point out to me what you dislike, both in terms of form and substance. Controversy can only be enriching!  For five days now we have been communicating occasionally Florent and I, via the site, he is young 35 years old (as I get older I consider all people younger than me to be kids!) Nice, funny but no way to see each other! He is in the region for a few days for work. No problem, I like our exchanges, he writes well, is benevolent, supports my humor and keeps a kind of modesty which halos him with a very exciting part of mystery! In addition, he has very positive comments on his profile! He is pleasant and I am under his epistolary spell (which is already not so bad !!)  This midday I see that he is online, after the exchanges of courtesies / banalities of use he says to me "I could perhaps be free myself a few minutes in the afternoon, we could then join us on this small rest area on the set "Hmmm I love this kind of shot with lots of maybe! : - ((How can I explain my kid that I also have a job (if I can assure you!) That I need 1/2 hour to go upstairs to join you, that it is raining, that I am a man endurance more than a stroke of 5 minutes ... Especially since it already made me the same a few days ago !! "I am on site in 5 minutes !!" "me in 1/2 hour! "" I'll come back to it later! "to finally not come back, me either, because he had too much work!   A little game of seduction made up of questions and answers, sexual allusions takes place naturally, each one gives the other some information about his place of life, his work ... For some it will be a real desire while I find it terribly exciting, erotic to discover the other in bits and pieces while looking for who he is ... I learn that he is a craftsman plumber! "I just have a leak in the supply of my water heater !!" I pass you the crappy puns on my piping that will have to be purged too! I'm looking, on google, for a plumber named Florent in the town where he is supposed to live, nothing, the township? Chic I found it !!! Failed it is not him :-))) He on the other hand found me (easy too! I did not lie Me !!:   He ended up suggesting that I pass, quickly (QUICKLY DONE !!!! Again! But what is this mania!) To watch the leak at 6.30 p.m. once his site is finished. "is that all? You will frustrate your client :-)! Me, I appreciate a personalized service! :-))" "ok you can do what you want!" Great, I'm in heaven !!  We continue by SMS, I give him my address, go take a shower ... A message tells me that he is near the house, I go out, tells him where to park .... He opens his door and here I am in front of a young man (this time really young !! He is barely in his thirties!) Thin, tall, magnificent eyes, short hair, light brown, plumber's pants (of those who must have a name I don't know, with well-placed reinforcements and plenty of pockets!) t-shirt, waistcoat, safety shoes. He's just hot, wild charm, charisma, the kind of guy to stand out in a crowd, the one you look back on! He has a beautiful voice, seems slightly reserved. As usual I hide my confusion behind verbal diarrhea (as long as it's only verbal we escape the worst, it's nuuulll but it makes me smile! And then it was either that, or I stayed in the rain mouth hanging and drooling to watch him!) I take him into the boiler room and show him the leak behind the boiler, (speaking of the boiler I'm talking about the central heating and not me! Although I was starting to get very hot!) He leans over and while I light up the leak I find myself face to face with his ass! No plumber's smile but a magnified ass, sublimated by his perfectly adjusted work pants! (for once! in general it's rather loose and distorting this style of fute!) My hands would naturally tend to want to rest on it, under, in ... His hands are activated with dexterity on the joint to replace and already it's over! :-( (definitely I suck at plumbing!) He is standing in front of me, my confusion is tenacious, I ask him how much I owe him? "nothing at all!"  It is difficult for me, being the oldest to take the first step in front of ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Hetero, Masturbation, Blow job, Teens, Forty, European, At work