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Blacks and white

Publié par : trav_a_jus le 28/08/2021

At the time I was leaving 5 years in the army with missions abroad, and by knowledge, I was contacted to supervise the maritime transport of drilling equipment off Nigeria.Big pay and adventure guaranteed, but not what I thought. I am assigned an apartment in a secure area with other people in the warehouse compound near the port for the days off ashore. I quickly made the acquaintance of several other security personnel, including a burly former Nigerian soldier who supervised the loadings.Our English was sufficient to understand each other.The day before several days of rest we discussed in his office and we went to lunch together in the refectory, then he invited me to come and have a drink at his place in the secure enclosure near my home. Quickly I realized that he had me more than the maid and I was embarrassed for the hetero that I was, but despite everything I was starting to feel good. When we got home, he immediately got comfortable and sat down in an armchair with his legs apart, and there I noticed that in his panties lived an anaconda. I was really embarrassed. He got up and served us some disgusting cowboy whiskey. Then as the discussion progressed, he told me about his fantasy of white skin and took my hand looking at her, and I didn't take it off, I did. let it go without understanding anything of what was happening to me. He and passed behind me, put his hands on my shoulders and plunged his hand into my shirt on my chest. I didn't do anything, I let it happen, I understood that I was going to stay a long time in his hands. He unbuttoned my shirt, then the belt, and pulled me towards him on my way to the bathroom. He was staring at me like a treat, and I ended up undressing to take a shower before joining him without ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Black, At work