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A nice meeting.

Publié par : conan09 le 07/02/2022

About twenty years ago I was in training in Limoges.It was a Saturday, I decided to go for a walk in one of the parks of this city.We are in May, it is hot and the weather is stormy.After going around this park, I sit on the lawn. I take a book out of my little backpack.Behind me, there is a parking lot where it turns a lot.In front of me passes a man of about fifty years not too bad.He approaches me and we start talking about this and that.The sky darkens and a few drops fall.I make him understand that I am parked on the other side of this park.He offers to take me by car since he is parked behind me.I accept.Here I am in his car, he offers me to continue the discussion at his house over a drink. And while he's talking to me, he puts his hand on my upper thigh.Arrived at my car, I am and after 15 minutes drive, we find ourselves in the city center.It's raining heavily, he pulls his car into the building's underground car park.I park in the street and I run towards the entrance of this building but I am very soaked, having just a T-shirt and shorts.He's waiting for me in the hall.We go up to his apartment, he offers me to go to the bathroom and get undressed to put my things to dry.What I did.Here I am naked.I take one of the satin bathrobes, I choose red.He's waiting for me in the living room, his shirt open and in his underpants.He offers me a drink and we both sit on the couch.While toasting, he puts his hand on my thigh.He slowly raises his hand and lands on my penis, which is already erect. His is not bad.There we put our glasses and we kiss.Our tongues mingle and our hands pass over different parts of our bodies.Here we are both in Adam's outfit .He takes me to his room, he lies down and I put on him.We continue to kiss, I feel his penis along my line and I go back and forth.I decide to go down along his body and there I arrive in fro ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay