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A muscular sissy (episode 4)

Publié par : roseau38 le 31/10/2021

After the weight training session (see previous episodes), the 5 of us go on foot to Issam, the tall black man, who still plays the role of chef and organizer. On the journey, fortunately not very long, the guys make me pass two meters in front of them on the sidewalk and laugh behind me by making very loud comments very heavy like "she wiggles the sissy well ass", "yep, everything on time she could squirm even more and have trouble sitting down "" you always have to widen your circle of friends "and other trivialities ... Normally I would have found that vulgar, homophobic, disrespectful and very risky in the case where I meet an acquaintance. But I'm so excited at the idea of ​​what's going to happen that I forgive them everything, and that in addition my clit takes a frankly awkward place in my girl's panties.We arrive at Issam's, fortunately without an embarrassing encounter for me. He lives in a two-room apartment on the first floor of a rather ugly but old house, with an outside staircase. Suffice to say that our arrival does not go unnoticed, especially as the lads continue to laugh and throw heavy valves. I don't care and watch my feet as passers-by and neighbors turn astonished gazes to this strange outfit. I just think very strongly "as long as no colleague or acquaintance is among all these people!" ".After the front door, the injunction is immediate: “On the bed you have these clothes and accessories to make you feminine, as well as the bathroom (a bathroom + WC of reasonable size). You have 45 minutes to prepare yourself as a perfectly believable sexy girl, and also ready to fuck (clean anal pussy). I know you are trained in cross-dressing and therefore the delay should be sufficient. During this time we have a drink. OK ? " - OK, I replied, still so excited.- Look, here you have a wig and a fake silicone breast; there you have a fishnet body, panties and bras (you choose what you want), and sexy skirts and little tops (ditto). In the bathroom you will find an anal shower, and a very complete make-up bag, a razor for girls and a magnifying mirror ... Anyway if you are missing something you come see us, whatever your outfit. You do not lock any door with a key because I reserve the right to come and inspect your preparation at any time - Good chef » I receive a monumental slap! "Do it again calling me Master or I will seriously aggravate your case!"- Good Master, ”I replied, my voice stuck.- OK, is your size S? You have a pretty slutty ass but it doesn't look very wide… - Yes, it depends, I'm 36-38 in panties (S) but M (90) in bra - Well that should be fine has S and M in both, you'll see; the chest is adjustable and not too big; given your size obviously you would be ridiculous with big tits  - Good Master  - Very good! Oh, I was going to forget, how many shoes do you size?- 41 - Perfect, I have what you need, we'll see at the end. ” Obviously I went to a real specialist. What luck !He's right, I'm used to it, so I don't hang around to respect the timing. I start by taking off all my boy's clothes in the bedroom, and go naked in the bathroom. Small whistles from the males who see me naked in passing. Then I do things in order: anal shower, evacuation, shave very close in both directions (it takes 10 minutes because you have to be very careful not to cut yourself at this time), put on the fake chest , then the fishnet bodysuit. I'm already 25 minutes away, but I feel much more female!But do not forget the rest: day cream, concealer, make the eyes, a little blush, and finally the lipstick and the wig. Thin the 45 minutes have already passed and Issam lets me know by coming to point his nose. He hisses when he sees me like that, which does not ma ...

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Keywords : Pure fantasy, Gay, Hetero, Bisexual, Blow job, Forty, Submission/domination, Fetish, Maghrebin, Black, Trav, Threesomes