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A more than fun game

Publié par : coquinviril le 22/03/2022

This story happened this weekend at my regular lover's house for a year and a half now. Both of us in a relationship, he with a man and I with a woman, we can't see each other as we want so when the opportunities arise we jump on it, and not just on the occasion. I told him that I would surely have a slot for him in the afternoon but without knowing how long we would have, and asked if he had 2 dice for a little game possibly if I arrived early enough. Arrived at his place, I let him take his shower, usually I join him because we love it, but this time I have another idea in mind. We find ourselves just after in the room naked and for once I stay as dressed and even pushes him away at his attempt to get closer. I propose to him to play a little new game knowing that we would have an hour in front of us, and briefly give him rules which are quite simple.Monsieur is quite suspicious, in fact until now he has always lost against me, whatever the game and was looking for tricks because I am extremely playful and quite a trickster.I promise him that there is nothing fishy, ​​a very simple game with clear rules where only luck will determine the winner.Indeed we will roll 2 dice and the biggest combination will win after 3 victories giving the winner a favor for 5 minutes. But there is a but, if one of the players makes a double 1, he becomes the slave the other until the end of the match and if it is a double 6 then he becomes the master. throwing a dice and after a tie he wins the toss. And then the unthinkable happens, on my first throw I roll a double 1 and immediately lose after another unsuccessful throw) . end of this plan.And there begins what interests you the most, but what will be my fate?Well right from the start he will get a scarf and blindfold me then lie down on the bed while starting to undress me. I am at his mercy without knowing what will happen to me and this situation is very exciting.I confess I no longer remember the order of things that will happen to me but everything was top notch and I will try to tell the best.I had the right to caresses, to have my ears licked among other things and then without knowing what he was doing I felt something that I thought was a new toy at the entrance to my mouth. I didn't realize right away that it was actually his cock that I was starting to suck on, but when I felt his testicles I understood.It's crazy, but without the eyes the sensations are completely different. We don't know right away where and how the other is positioned and what will happen to you. After sucking him for a while, he reversed the roles and started a memorable blowjob as he knows how to do them well, ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Bisexual, Masturbation, Sodomy, Forty, Submission/domination, European