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A hot summer for a student job 1

Publié par : tomj le 09/05/2021

Hello, My name is Eric and, although I'm in my 50s today, I think I'm not too badly preserved for my age. I am 6'2 '' for 76kg, I have salt and pepper hair cut short and blue eyes. Without bragging about it, I don't think I was too badly endowed by nature with a member of almost 8 inches. A little sport and not too much excess keeps me in shape. A few days ago, with my sister I had to clean the old family house in order to sell it and, each taking care of their own business and what they wanted to keep, I came across a series old photos, taken at the end of the 80s. I was going to be 23 years old on one of them, taken in the south of France and I had just spent an unforgettable vacation. When I look at her, I find myself rather handsome: tall, thin, finely muscled, the brown curly hair a little long and the tanned skin of a summer spent by the sea. Around me we see the couple for whom I worked that summer there, their 17 year old son and one of the two young female employees who worked also for them. I would like to share with you the rather hot experience that I had that summer. However, everything had started rather badly. I was studying and if until the license everything went well, the rest had become more problematic. The previous year had not gone well and I had decided to do another training to pass a competition. Despite the hard work, it turned out that this year was once again a failure. My parents were of course disappointed and my studies were starting to cost them dearly. My sister, being in her final year, also had to start higher studies. The situation was therefore tense at the beginning of June and I had to negotiate a new year of studies. It was then agreed that I should help them and pay a good part of it. For that, there is no other solution than to find a job for the summer. I had done it before, but for my hobbies, shopping for clothes and pocket money. There, it was serious. I needed at least 10,000 francs at the time. As often, I phoned Uncle Paul to help me find a solution. In fact, Paul wasn't really my uncle, but my mom's young cousin and I mostly thought he was the coolest guy in the world. He was about fifteen years older than me and above all he was hot. He was a bon vivant who always saw life on the bright side. He liked good food and having fun. My parents liked him very much even though my mother found him too carefree and he often came to the house. In society, he was a charmer, he liked a lot and, what my parents did not know, was carried on the flesh whether female or male. In short, uncle loved all the pleasures of life. Besides, he had made me taste some of these pleasures a few years earlier. Not only had I feasted on his splendid cock but he had also given me the benefit of his female connections and it was one of them who had deflowered me (at least with the girls) but all that c is another story. My dear mother did not understand why his companion at the time had left him. I knew the explanation, but I was careful not to say it in order to continue to see Uncle Paul. She had surprised him in bed with another woman and her lover. My parents would have been appalled to know that Uncle Paul was a strange rascal with sail and steam. In short, Uncle Paul might have an idea or a solution. So I called him and explained the problem to him. Not only had I feasted on his splendid cock but he had also given me the benefit of his female connections and it was one of them who had deflowered me (at least with the girls) but all that c is another story. My dear mother did not understand why his companion at the time had left him. I knew the explanation, but I was careful not to say it in order to continue to see Uncle Paul. She had surprised him in bed with another woman and her lover. My parents would have been appalled to know that Uncle Paul was a strange rascal with sail and steam. In short, Uncle Paul might have an idea or a solution. So I called him and explained the problem to him. Not only had I feasted on his splendid cock but he had also given me the benefit of his female connections and it was one of them who had deflowered me (at least with the girls) but all that c is another story. My dear mother did not understand why his companion at the time had left him. I knew the explanation, but I was careful not to say it in order to continue to see Uncle Paul. She had surprised him in bed with another woman and her lover. My parents would have been appalled to know that Uncle Paul was a strange rascal with sail and steam. In short, Uncle Paul might have an idea or a solution. So I called him and explained the problem to him. I knew the explanation but I was careful not to say it in order to continue to see Uncle Paul. She had surprised him in bed with another woman and her lover. My parents would have been appalled to know that Uncle Paul was a strange rascal with sail and steam. In short, Uncle Paul might have an idea or a solution. So I called him and explained the problem to him. I knew the explanation but I was careful not to say it in order to continue to see Uncle Paul. She had surprised him in bed with another woman and her lover. My parents would have been appalled to know that Uncle Paul was a strange rascal with sail and steam. In short, Uncle Paul might have an idea or a solution. So I called him and explained the problem to him. “Eric, sweetie, that's good. A couple of friends who run a private beach and a small restaurant are looking for an employee for the season. The one they hired had a motorcycle accident and they are very annoyed. I call them and I tell you if the position is still free. In addition, you can move in with me for the summer, it will be nice ”. You can imagine that I was thrilled by Uncle Paul's plan. A whole summer at his place, certainly working but also sending me into the air with him and maybe one or two of his girlfriends, it was the foot. Besides, I suspected that the friends in question weren't just acquaintances, but uncle Paul's sex scenes. A few minutes later, he called back to tell me that I was being taken on probation. I broke the news to my parents who were delighted with the opportunity. I left the next day for the south of France. Uncle came to pick me up at the station. Fuck he was horny, tanned in shorts and a T-shirt with his muscular hairy thighs. As jovial as ever, he hugged me and kissed me. I instantly bandaged, glued to him. "Eric, my angel, you are happy to see me looks like". "Spending the summer with you, you can imagine that excites me a lot". "Me too, but first the serious things, you have to think about your job, I will introduce you to your future bosses." We drop by to make the introductions to see if you can handle it and then we go home. You will see, it is not far from my home at 3 or 4 kilometers and you can go there by bike, I will lend you mine ”. I wondered what he meant by "you sure" but I didn't ask a question. A few minutes later we were at the beach and I got to know the owners. They must have been in their early forties. Uncle gave them a kiss and introduced them to me as Mimi for the man who was in fact called Michel and Martine his wife. Michel was a little coated but still not bad as a guy and Martine was blonde with a pretty fairly developed breast that she barely hid with a fairly short white tunic. They examined me for a moment, it was even a little embarrassing, I had the impression that they were undressing me with their eyes. After a few questions, the verdict came: "well I think you will do the trick." I will show you the establishment and explain to you what you will have to do Eric ”said Michel to me. I had to arrive early in the morning to prepare the loungers and the beach, to set up the clients, cash in and provide them with whatever they need. After a break during the day, I had to return in the evening to put away the beach equipment. Michel asked me to follow him to show me the establishment and in particular the reserve where the deckchairs, mattresses and parasols were stored. He made me enter the room which was a little dark, there was only one bulb. There were a few deckchairs and parasols in reserve and a series of mattresses covered with a tarp. "Well, for customers to recognize you, you need an outfit, with us it's Bermuda shorts and polo shirts with a badge with your name. A size M should suit you, take off your clothes, you are going to try these ”. He put the two clothes on the tarp. Uncle Paul told me that I had to insure and I didn't want to disappoint him. I unbuttoned my shirt, took it off under the insistent gaze of Michel who was smiling. I did the same with my pants and found myself in underwear (at the time I was wearing very light Hom mini-briefs). Even before I had time to take the polo shirt and Bermuda shorts, Michel said to me: "Well, you're pretty well stuck up my boy and it's a nice package that you have there!" ". I was a little surprised, but he did not give me time to flinch, walked towards me and put his hand precisely on the bulge of the panties to caress it. It's the kind of thing you can hardly resist, I didn't need more to start getting hard. Besides, Michel continued to caress me, whispering in my ear that if I was missing, he would remedy it and that I would surely want my new boss to relieve me of this tension. He pulled down my panties and fell to his knees, his face level with my stiffened cock. He continued to stroke her with one hand and felt my buttocks with the other. All of a sudden, he stuck out his tongue to give my cock a few strokes. "Mmmm Paul was right, your cock is good". This time, no more doubt, Uncle had not only praised my serious and hard-working side. Michel was busy on my cock and gave me a masterful oral sex, in turn sucking, licking, sucking, playing teeth and going so far as to take it almost entirely in a deep throat. It was surely not the first time he did that and I could imagine him doing the same with Uncle Paul. I felt it was going up, but I still had to resist. Michel pushed me onto the covered mattresses and continued while stroking his crotch. He unbuttoned his pants which he slid to better take care of his own cock. Before I exploded, he got up and said: "well, let's see now if you know how to take care of a good man's ass!" ". Whereupon he got up, completely took off his pants and turned to show me his ass. He was beautiful, well rounded, a little hairy and that's when I saw that he was wearing a brief made of a kind of net (or very large ...

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Keywords : Gay, Bisexual, Teens, Forty, Cousins