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A concert

Publié par : jpeyre le 10/05/2021

We met during a Mozart concert, at the intermission at the foyer, we exchanged a few words, then having regained our seats we settled down side by side. The light became darker, the concerto played its harmonies that in my eyes the tears gushed somewhat flooding my face. I don't know if he saw it, but his hand came to rest on mine.Imbroglio not daring to look at him, was it the fruit of my imagination I remained frozen. Had he understood the abandonment of my soul caused by my emotions, I do not know, I do not remember but, until the last piece, his hand remained with mine ... Then the room emptied, his hand s 'was gone ...Without a word then exchanged, we left the music room and now I found myself alone outside still capsized by this improbable moment , I was going to the mouth of the metro, when my ear was caught by the quick, quick footsteps of a person in a hurry; I turned around and there. He embraced without any half measure whispering these few words "do not go" He then took my hand and dragged me, we walked in the deserted streets, I had the impression of nothingness !!! Arrived at his den, we climbed four by four the steps covered with a soft carpet .... He then opened a door and made me enter his lodging. Without shouting respect he embraced me, covering me with attentions from head to toe, freeing me one by one of my clothes, while taking off his own, with eagerness and ardor that, soon on his bed, lay me down and his body bared, hot and shining with desire, he enveloped me with a short point .... His hungry mouth took possession of all the spaces of my bodi ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Partly true, Gay, European, Black