Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories
J étais arrivée au camping naturiste du cap depuis 2 jours,et aprés mettre bien reposé et installé dans ma caravane.j allais a la plage naturiste ,un peut plus loin que la buvette,coté Marseillan .Après avoir installé ma serviette en milieu de plage,je pris mon bouquin et me plongeait dans la lecture.Ayant lu quelques pages, le chapitre suivant pris une tournure érotique, ce qui m amena une petite érection.Poursuivant ma lecture, je sentis quelqu un qui s installait a coté de moi,tournant see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Sodomy, Mature
I had just come back from vacation; it was the last weekend of August.I had spent a few days with friends in the moors.On Saturday I put away all my things, and on Sunday morning I got up with a big desire for sex, because at my friends' house for 8 days I had done nothing.Passing in the shower, I took the opportunity to give myself a good enema, which caused in me a desire to stuff my ass with my gods.After lubricating my ass well, I impaled myself for several minutes, it did me a lot of good and see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, European, Maghrebin, Trav

RDV avec grosse cochonne (Sex Story gay)
Published by : vegas the 02/01/2023 in the Gay erotic stories
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Mature, Trav

premiere fois dans le cul (Sex Story gay)
Published by : vegas the 07/10/2022 in the Gay erotic stories
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Asian

soiree cinema porno cap d agde (Sex Story gay)
Published by : vegas the 09/08/2022 in the Gay erotic stories
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, European
This story is true, and takes place about ten years ago in a very very libertine campsite, on the border of Gard and Ardèche.At the time I had a libertine companion, and for me personally very little bisexual experience.Having arrived a few days ago, we had made friends with a Dutch couple who were our neighbors, as well as three friends of their own of the same nationality, who shared their location.Location on which was installed a kind of leather cover with 4 straps to secure the assembly between see the rest
Keywords : Gay, Bisexual, Sodomy, Trav, Threesomes

Published by : vegas the 20/04/2022 in the Gay erotic stories
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Trav
Un après midi tristounet, et ne savant pas quoi faire je décide de me rendre sur un parking de ma région ,situé a environ 50 km de chez moi ou il y a des toilettes publiques. On y fait quelquefois des rencontres intéréssantes.J arrivais vers 15 h je me garais sur le parking, et descendis pour aller dans les toilettes mais celle ci étaient fermé .Je revint vers ma voiture ,et je remarquais un autre véhicule garé un peut plus loin avec une silhouette a l intérieur.Installé dans mon véhicule see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Mature, Trav
I sometimes go to car parks, this story took place some time ago in my region.it was in September, I wanted to get fucked.I prepared myself as usual when I am excited, with open thong, fishnet stockings and mini skirt.And of course cleanliness with enema, the hole well lubricated.Arriving in the parking lot there were already several cars parked next to the toilets.While observing the place for a few minutes, I saw several men enter it, and stay there for a while. Observing that there were no tourists, see the rest
Keywords : Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Mature
during a trip to Paris.I had a free afternoon, and lots of naughty things in my thoughts. I went to rue de la Gaité towards Montparnasse.and returned to a sex shop, located in the middle of the street.Anticipating this getaway in the morning, I had planned a suitable outfit, an open thong as well as garter belt stockings.Having settled at the checkout for 2 hours of viewing, I went down to the basement where the cabins are.Having settled in the back cabin, I made myself comfortable, I had taken see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Mature