Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

the summer of all possibilities! (Sex Story bisexuel)
Published by : string31 the 31/08/2023 in the Bisexual erotic stories
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Teens, Mature, European

Suite couple au travail (Sex Story bisexuel)
Published by : string31 the 01/02/2020 in the Bisexual erotic stories
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Bisexual

avec un couple au travail (Sex Story bisexuel)
Published by : string31 the 01/02/2020 in the Bisexual erotic stories
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Bisexual

the very first time.... (Sex Story gay)
Published by : string31 the 01/02/2020 in the Gay erotic stories
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay
Rencontre au travail.Je suis Artisan, je rénove des maisons et des appartements, créations de nouveaux espaces, décoration, aménagements, j’ai pas mal de travail et c’est souvent par le biais d’anciens clients que je trouve de nouveaux chantiers…Une ancienne cliente m’a appelé un soir pour m’informer qu’un de ses collègues de travail avait acheté un appartement et qu’il désirait y faire des travaux, elle lui avait conseillé mon entreprise et donné mon téléphone tout en see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Mature, Submission/domination, Trav, At work, Threesomes
The first time I tasted a man was in Cap-d'Agde more than 20 years ago...!At the time we had an apartment there and we went there every weekend, when we bought it with my wife this apartment was in poor condition and so I left on Fridays around 12 p.m. and worked there every weekend. to refresh it, to restore it, my wife working on Saturdays she only joined me on Saturday evenings, In four weekends the work was done it was at the end of April, the first weekend of May I was also going there, but see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Hetero, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Forty, Mature, First time, Married