
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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While I was surfing on croozr, I received a message from a subscriber telling me "hum nice cock" in reference to my profile picture. What are you looking for asked me Sam59 (first name changed but true story) A nice plan with a guy who receives I replied. "Possible for me, Sam told me but I only fuck guys in f". Not being interested, I cut the conversation short but the next day I received a new message "too bad, I like your nickname and your stories, you know it's not difficult to buy dim-ups in see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Sodomy, Trav

Re gay sauna (Sex Story gay)

Published by : sachah502021 the 14/04/2024 in the Gay erotic stories
The following story is authentic and recent. I had a trip to Paris and I took my train back at the end of the afternoon to return peacefully, without running… and with the idea of ​​going for a little sauna. As usual, as soon as I arrive I take a shower, however this time I decided to start with a hamam. After staying there for about twenty minutes, I took a quick shower and decided to rest a little before going for a walk. So I sat in a cabin in the basement, and left the door slightly ajar. see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Mature, Submission/domination

Sex-shop cruising (Sex Story gay)

Published by : sachah502021 the 01/04/2024 in the Gay erotic stories
Ce jour là je sentais poindre une envie homosexuelle, comme cela m’arrive tous les deux ou trois mois. Je décidais de me rendre dans un sex-shop Lillois, qui comporte un espace cruising au sous-sol.Une fois l’entrée payée, dûment muni d’un préservatif et d’une pochette de gel, tous deux remis à l’entrée, je commence à déambuler à l’étage. Deux types assez âgés discutent, rien de très intéressant. Je décide donc de descendre dans l’espace cruising, et là encore pas see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Submission/domination, Threesomes
Bonjour,J’ai 57 ans, marié, bcbg, grand, mince, assez peu poilu. J’ai eu quelques relations homosexuelles étant plus jeune mais cela s’arrêtait à une masturbation réciproque. Depuis quelques temps, je fréquente régulièrement, environ une fois par mois, un sauna gay Parisien et je m’y dévergonde chaque fois un peu plus. Ainsi, la dernière fois, j’y suis arrivé vers 18h car mes RDV de l’après/midi avaient duré plus longtemps que prévu et je craignais qu’il n’y ait pas see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy, Mature, Submission/domination, Married, Threesomes