
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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For several months, I went to F. It was always the same ritual, I arrived, he closed the door, we went up to his room, we sucked each other.I had taken a liking to it, I can even say that I was impatiently waiting for Sunday morning to go see my boyfriend.The big holidays have arrived.My parents wanted to send me to my godfather so I wouldn't be alone.Leaving my love seemed unthinkable to me. (it was above all not having my dose of juice!!!) so I hastened to tell him about it.F. came to visit my see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay
When I got home, after having been masturbated, I felt all strange feelings of guilt, it was not good what I had let happen and feeling of excitement too During the week, every night I thought about this moment Of course I was masturbating Arrived on Sunday, I could not help saying hello to F. When he saw me arrive, he had a big smile He took me into his house and I noticed that he was closing the door. locked door behind me We settled on the sofa in the living room and we talked, as if nothing see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Teens, Mature, First time
Hello I am 49 years old and I discovered pleasure with a 50 year old man when I was 14 years old.One Sunday morning, I go to a friend of my parents.he is single and it was not the first time that I visited him.This morning, he offers me a glass of beer.We drink quietly when I feel his hand land on my thigh.I didn't react, he must have taken that for an acceptance.Gradually, he goes up his hand along my thigh.At one point he asks me if it's a zipper or buttons. I hadn't quite understood what he was see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Ados, Mature