
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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Little story that I did not expect.As part of my job, I regularly visit companies throughout France.I regularly visited a client in Savoie. I was generally received by his wife, Laure, who took care of the administrative part of the company. Little brunette, a little round but which made me fantasize every time. I never tried anything, she was married and must have been 20 years younger than me.After a commercial dispute with this client, I made the decision not to go there anymore. So I no longer see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Blow job, Vaginal penetration, Forty, European, Married, At work
Cet après-midi-là, j’installais mon stand pour un salon professionnel le lendemain. J’étais occupé à brancher l’éclairage quand je vois arriver ma voisine de stand, petite brune cheveux longs avec des formes tout à fait agréables. Elle porte deux cartons, à peu près aussi lourds qu’elle. Nous nous saluons puis elle repart .Je la vois revenir 5 minutes plus tard avec 2 autres cartons.Si vous en avez d’autres, prenez mon chariot.Merci.Nous finissons nos installations respectives see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Forty, First time, At work
I am on a business trip from Monday to Thursday and following the various covid episodes it is sometimes difficult to find a restaurant for lunch, some having disappeared. One day I noticed that the one where I stopped when I was in the area and which had closed was open again.The waitress who is also the new owner is superb. 40s, mid-length brown hair, curves where you need to put your hands, a neckline that makes you want to go further... In the following weeks, I stop two or three times when I see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Blow job, Sodomy, Vaginal penetration, Forty
Quand Mathilde découvre l’amour saphique.Je vous ai conté il y a quelques temps ma rencontre avec Mathilde et Fabien, cette dernière voulait voir son amoureux se faire prendre.Suite à cette soirée mémorable, je suis resté en contact par messages avec la belle .Nous évoquions nos aventures respectives. Un soir je lui demande si elle est tentée par l’amour entre filles.Non, une seule fois quand elle était ado une de ses copines a tenté sa chance, essuyant un refus catégorique.Je lui see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy, Vaginal penetration, First time, Married, Threesomes
I met, a few weeks ago, via our favorite site, a girl who wanted to see her husband get caught.I contacted her by messaging to exchange photos and mobile numbers.During our discussion, she explains to me that having learned a short time ago that her Apollo, under the pretext of going for a walk the dog in the hill behind the house, took the opportunity to blow up the water lily on all fours in the daisies by all who passed by.She now understood why there were always cars parked in this path that see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy, Vaginal penetration, First time, European, Married, Threesomes