
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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Seb, the pretty red-skinned thirty-something, has become a regular lover… and more. I fell head over heels in love, and I can tell it, from the first blowjob… at the first glance in gay language.I had given him my contact details, and less than 24 hours later he had already used them. He had sent me an email, which I didn't see until 48 hours later, when my mind was already focused on him all the time.A week after our wilderness antics we met, at his initiative, in Lyon for a coffee. I was stunned, see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy
Il était jeune, une petite trentaine, et d'habitude ce n'est pas ma tasse de thé. Mais il avait une bonne bouille et a été suffisamment convainquant! J'étais sur un lieu de drague en voiture, et je venais d'arriver. Nous nous sommes croisés en voiture, il a fait demi-tour et m'a suivi. Jeune, mais attiré par des quinqua poilu comme moi.Il a garé sa voiture non loin de la mienne, et m'a rejoints : "tu veux que je te pompe?". J'ai été un peu désarçonné par son aplomb... Il avait le crâne see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job
I met him about thirty years ago. A Friday evening in a Lyon square, near the labor market. There was a urinator. When we first met he had gulped on my cock, my cock going deep into his mouth. He had a mouthwatering cock too. We also really kissed.From that moment I kept seeing him over and over again. a guy not very tall, hairless, very masculine ... and extremely greedy, but married. And then, by chance, I ran into him again, he took good care of me once again, then another time and so on. Often see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy, Married