
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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First DP (Sex Story hetero)

Published by : matwee69 the 13/05/2021 in the Straight erotic stories
For the past two weeks, I have been in contact with a couple from the site. A few messages but a lot .. A lot of caution on their part and I often wondered if it was not a mytho having fun .. Tuesday evening, when I had moved on to other things, late message in the evening. I open it (my sleeping wife 30cms away from me ..). The subject is more precise and the mystery couple asks me my availability for this Wednesday evening. On call every other week, I have no difficulty offering them an appointment see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Sodomy, Vaginal penetration, First time, Threesomes
For a pro mission, I was at gap Wednesday and Thursday. It was a question of bringing reinforcement on COVID processes to an establishment of my association.As usual, I had hunted at several sites for my evening at the hotel on Wednesday. Several gay touches (always simple and direct) but my desires were more for a pretty cat.It was then done with Betty, 42, booked on the Mignonne.com site.Wednesday 6pm, I leave work and enter the address on my GPS: 3kms and arrival in 6mn. SMS to the pretty bride see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Sodomy, Odors
J'avais prévu un déplacement professionnel sur montelimar.En pensant associer travail et plaisir, j'ai jeté quelques amecons ici et là avec des membres du site basés entre Vienne et montelimar.Mis à part quelques échanges dont un avec un Travesti valentinoi, rien de bien concret.Mercredi soir, veille du départ, j'ai le retour d'un couple du site basé en Ardèche. Quelques échanges de mots doux et prometteurs. Madame, la cinquantaine, veut un plan à trois avec un mec bi car son mari est see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Hetero, First time
I'm telling you about my first lollipop in a pissotière on a service area on the A7 motorway . Hetero, married, I've always watched girls and only had hetero sex. At the beginning of March, on my way back from Marseille, I stopped to empty my bladder to the tune of Cavaillon. I park and rush into the first pissotière that comes along. On entering, a strong smell of piss but too bad, too much desire. The urinal is condemned by a ribbon, remains the closed toilets. I come in and start pissing. There see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Uro/Scat