
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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“Non pas si souvent que ça. Entre mon mari et le boulot je suis peu disponible, puis il faut qu’il y ait une attraction mutuelle. Et la volonté de céder à l'attraction. On va dire environ une fois par trimestre en moyenne. Et toi ? Tu dois voir défiler pas mal de monde à ton poste. Puis tu sembles bien organisée.”“Ah oui, une fois par trimestre quand même. Tu fais bien plaisir tout de même. C’est vrai que je vois beaucoup de monde mais comme toi, il faut avoir le feeling, la réciprocité see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Bisexual, Married
Pour nos noces d'étain, Aurélie et moi avons décidé de faire l'expérience du grand froid québécois. Aurélie etant une splendide femme pulpeuse et tres avenante, je l’ai prevenu qu’il ne fallait pas qu’elle s’offusque si elle recevait des propositions car les canadiens et canadiennes sont assez cash dans leur approche.Après une première randonnée de trois jours en chien de traîneau, il est temps pour nous de nous arrêter plusieurs jours dans un hôtel spa grand 5* et profiter see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Lesbians, Married
“Bonsoir, vous allez bien ?”Le rituel de l’arrivée au dîner chez les ami.e.s est invariable : Bises, manteaux, questions banales sur le trafic, la météo, etc.Ce soir Aurélie et moi sommes invités par Julie, une collègue d’Aurélie et Thomas, son mari. J’ai cramé Julie sur un site de rencontre libertine, je sais donc qu’elle est totalement bi et qu’elle aime tout particulièrement les femmes pulpeuses, intelligentes et ambitieuses. Pile-poil la mienne donc. Et j’ai remarqué see the rest
Keywords : Gay, Bisexual, Sodomy, Forty, Fetish, Married

The IT manager (Sex Story gay)

Published by : fan2jarretelles the 09/07/2024 in the Gay erotic stories
This week I am in charge of the databases of a small SME in the south of France. As soon as I arrived, I noticed that the environment is almost exclusively female. For a company that markets high quality lace for fashion houses or lingerie brands, this is not necessarily surprising. Very quickly I learned that there are only two men: Roger, in general services, he takes care of deliveries and shipments and Alain who is the guy who does everything, from installing telephones to repairs. minor. The see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Fetish, Trav, At work
Obeying the new order, I take my measurements and buy a set of matching lingerie on an online sales site then make an appointment once the fittings are complete. I'm excited in anticipation of what the perverted old doctor is going to want to give me for an exam. When the time comes I find myself lying below the woman on the examination table, my feet in stirrups. My excitement is intense. As always, he takes the pulse, the tension, the usual things and then again, his lustful gaze falls on me as see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy, Mature, Fetish
Obeying last week's prescription, I make an appointment quickly, curious to know what treatment the vicious doctor will reserve for me. So I find myself again lying in underwear next to this old pervert. I find it hard to control my arousal as he does some routine checkups. He finally gets up and I recognize his lustful expression: owl! We are finally going to have the best time of the visit.He takes out of his storage two metal pieces that I do not recognize immediately. He then sets about fixing see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Blow job, Mature, Married, At work
We arrived at B's yesterday for a weekend of work. Besides B, his wife and mine, are also present J, a colleague and A the daughter of B.Saturday morning is dense and after a quick and late lunch, B proposes to relax a few hours in his swimming pool before putting on a last blow of necklace until dinner. It's the first time I've seen A in a swimsuit. She is rather a beautiful woman. I end up getting out of the water to go to the bathroom. Once the needs are over, my mind wanders in the memory of see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Hetero, Submission/domination, European, Married

Signature (Sex Story gay)

Published by : fan2jarretelles the 24/03/2021 in the Gay erotic stories
I can't wait to get out of work! I just received an email indicating a private message from a member of the dating site that I frequent. It's been a few weeks that I have only fruitless contacts, so I'm all perky. Once calm, I connect via my smartphone to read this message. From the outset the message calls out to me: he knows my first name !!!!!“Dear S, I knew during our meetings that there was something more about you. Something I liked. I know it now. We have an appointment the day after tomorrow see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Trav, At work
For a month now I have felt slack, despite a solid vitamin cure, I have trouble going back up the slope. I finally decide to go to the doctor for a little check-up. The appointment is quickly made on doctolib with a rather elderly city doctor. It is the first who could receive.Here I am now sitting in front of the doctor. a jovial man over 60 with a slight overweight. He listens to me attentively, then asks me to undress and lie down on his auscultation table. I notice a small smirk when he asks see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Mature, At work
It has been 2 years since Madam and I no longer had a relationship with each other. it's a shame, however, because I regularly want it and so does she, but these moments never seem to coincide. Once again, I will therefore masturbate while contemplating her underwear that I loved so much to see her wearing. The dresser drawer is full as always, but nothing turns me on tonight, I know them all by heart and it seems to me that a few pieces are missing. Seized with a hunch, I take her suitcase out of see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Hetero, Blow job, Vaginal penetration, Married, At work