I am single and measure 1m70 for 70 kilos.
I'm looking for a couple between 40 and 70 years old for sex Registered since Subscribers only
Last visit Subscribers only
Location Cruising spot
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I'm looking for a couple between 40 and 70 years old for sex Registered since Subscribers only
Last visit Subscribers only
About me : White, Athlete, medium-sized sex, Geek, Handyman, Cerebral, Athletic, I like a lot, Loveliness, Straightforward, Kind, Without exigency, Friendly, Player, HOT, Cuddly, Sex, To be initiated, Responsible, dialog, With man, With wife, With couple, With trav, With transexual, Threesomes, Masturbate, Make me masturbate, Sodomise, Suck, Get sucked, Lick / cunnilingus, Analingus, Lick me, Kiss, Moderate sport, Intensive sport, Nightclub outings, Nature
I'm looking for : White, Arab, Latino, Black, Indian, Asian, Metis, Slim, Normal, Athlete, A few extra pounds, small sex, medium-sized sex, large sex, Cerebral, Athletic, I like a lot, Loveliness, Any physics, Straightforward, Kind, Without exigency, Friendly, Player, HOT, Romantic, Cuddly, Sex, Sexfriend, To be initiated, Responsible, dialog, Hobbies, With man, With wife, With couple, With trav, With transexual, Threesomes, Masturbate, Make me masturbate, Sodomise, To be sodomized, Suck, Swallow, Get sucked, Lick / cunnilingus, Analingus, Lick me, Kiss, Travesty, Submit me, Moderate sport, Nightclub outings, Nature

Aimerait rencontrer couple, femme, homme, trans, exhibitionniste en nature ou chez eux , je suis bi actif, convivial , respectueux, vrai libertin et surtout très coquin et gourmand. Plan cam exhibition et masturbation , bienvenue , prenons du plaisir ensemble ! Disponible pratiquement qu'en journée de toute la semaine ! À bientôt ! Souvent disponible entre 14 et 17h plan direct nature ou chez vous si pas trop loin ! Proposez moi ?
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