I am single and measure 1m78 for 70 kilos.
I'm looking for a man between 30 and 55 years old for sex Registered since Subscribers only
Last visit Subscribers only
Location Cruising spot
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I'm looking for a man between 30 and 55 years old for sex Registered since Subscribers only
Last visit Subscribers only
About me : White, Normal, medium-sized sex, Cerebral, Straightforward, Without exigency, Friendly, Player, HOT, Sex, Sexfriend, With man, Threesomes, To be sodomized, Suck, Analingus, Lick me, Kiss, Submit me, Dominate, Uro, Fist, Moderate sport
I'm looking for : White, Arab, Latino, Black, Indian, Metis, Slim, Normal, Athlete, Muscular, Very muscular, A few extra pounds, Bear, small sex, medium-sized sex, large sex, Geek, Handyman, Cerebral, Athletic, I like a lot, Loveliness, Any physics, Straightforward, Without exigency, Friendly, Player, HOT, Sex, Sexfriend, To be initiated, With man, Masturbate, Sodomise, Suck, Get sucked, Analingus, Lick me, Kiss, Submit me, Dominate, Masochist, Uro, Fist

entre bordeaux et lyon nuit de vendredi 12 aout. un routier actif qui me recoit dans sa cabine ?? Sans complexe. poilu, sportif, bien gaulé. passif. hors milieu. vicieux . suceur. enculé. fisteur. uro( donneur receveur). ejac faciale. j'aime les plans cul hyper direct, cho et vicelard avec mecs actifs , poilu de preference. de la pipe express au plan long. je kiffe les plans aire dautoroute, cabine de routier, et jhesite pas a montrer mon zob. (mecs marié bienvenus)
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