I am single and measure 1m74 for 81 kilos.
I'm looking for a man between 18 and 98 years old for sex Registered since Subscribers only
Last visit Subscribers only
Location Cruising spot
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I'm looking for a man between 18 and 98 years old for sex Registered since Subscribers only
Last visit Subscribers only
About me : White, A few extra pounds, small sex, Straightforward, Without exigency, Sex, To be initiated, With man, With wife, With couple, With trav, With transexual, Masturbate, To be sodomized, Suck, Lick me, Submit me, Uro, Nature
I'm looking for : White, Asian, Metis, Slim, A few extra pounds, Fat, Bear, small sex, medium-sized sex, Sex, Make me masturbate, Sodomise, Get sucked, Dominate, Nature

Homme bi passif qui bande mou, poilu, barbe courte, cherche homme actif petit jeune fin ou mur petit avec quelques KG en trop j'aime beaucoup. j'aime me faire prendre par sexe raisonnable 12/16cm (avec prépuce si possible) présence femme complice qui regarde encore plus. (ext, chantier ou à la ferme ok). femme seul bienvenue pour plaisirs lesbien...
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