I am married and measure 1m79 for 73 kilos.
I'm looking for a couple between 25 and 55 years old for sex Registered since Subscribers only
Last visit Subscribers only
Location Cruising spot
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I'm looking for a couple between 25 and 55 years old for sex Registered since Subscribers only
Last visit Subscribers only
About me : White, Normal, Athlete, large sex, Cerebral, Athletic, Loveliness, Friendly, HOT, Sex, Sexfriend, To be initiated, dialog, With wife, With couple, With trav, With transexual, Threesomes, Masturbate, Make me masturbate, Sodomise, Suck, Get sucked, Lick / cunnilingus, Kiss, Moderate sport, Nightclub outings
I'm looking for : White, Latino, Black, Metis, Slim, Normal, Athlete, Handyman, Cerebral, Athletic, I like a lot, Loveliness, Friendly, Player, HOT, Sex, Sexfriend, Responsible, dialog, With man, With wife, With couple, With trav, With transexual, Threesomes, Masturbate, Make me masturbate, Sodomise, Suck, Swallow, Get sucked, Lick / cunnilingus, Lick me, Kiss, Nightclub outings

J'aime la pluralité dans tous les genres. Je suis particulièrement bien membré (sans prétention). Je pense être une personne avec qui on peut discuter... De sexe bien sûr... Mais pas que. J'aime également regarder les couples exhibitionnistes en toute bienveillance.
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