Cruising spots, France
Water area of Masseret Lamongerie-19510
Cruising spot gay in Masseret
proposed by samdev54 (17/04/2020)
Public toilets near the town hall - Charmoy
Cruising spot gay in Charmoy
proposed by profilsupprime (11/04/2020)
Beauregard Park in Rennes
Cruising spot gay in Rennes
proposed by webmaster (11/04/2020)
Wood fau drawbar meetings on Boves
Cruising spot gay & straight in Boves
proposed by profilsupprime (18/07/2013)
Condom rest area in Gers
Cruising spot gay & straight in Condom
proposed by profilsupprime (11/04/2020)
At the bridge of the north ZI Amiens to access Longpré
Cruising spot gay in Amiens
proposed by jerome94 (26/01/2014)
Cruising spot gay & straight in Narbonne
proposed by profilsupprime (17/04/2020)
Pond near Plounérin N12
Cruising spot gay in Plounérin
proposed by profilsupprime (29/06/2015)
Toilets Nicollet Boulevard, behind the Lycée Bertholet - Annecy
Cruising spot gay in Annecy
proposed by profilsupprime (20/06/2013)
Fitness Club Fit'n Well
Cruising spot gay & straight in Illkirch-Graffenstaden
proposed by renaud67 (13/01/2014)
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