Cruising spots 89 - Yonne

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In town after mail in Migennes

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Type : In town gay & straight
Cruising spots Yonne (89)
City :  Migennes
Area :  Bourgogne-Franche-.
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
The Migennes Station 89, go to the city in the direction of the station after the canal bridge is mixed and it works de18h 2h.

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Rue Clos-le-Roi in Sens


Cruising spot gay in Sens

proposed by profilsupprime  (09/08/2013)

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Type : Parking gay
Cruising spots Yonne (89)
City :  Sens
Area :  Bourgogne-Franche-.
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Rue du Clos-le-Roi in Sens, popular place of the evening drag: right next to the park to park on the parking and wait in the car. Regulars approach you. Meet warranty.

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Next to Saint-Agnan, Jersey

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Type : Nature gay & straight
Cruising spots Yonne (89)
City :  Maillot
Area :  Bourgogne-Franche-.
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Arriving direction in the town center take the Church Street then after the factory Right St Mark's straight to the end of the road. A place very popular with couples libertines to spend rascals times discreetly.

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Train to Paris Gare de Lyon Laroches Migennes (start 19.00)


Cruising spot gay in Sens

proposed by profilsupprime  (17/04/2020)

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Type : In town gay
Cruising spots Yonne (89)
City :  Sens
Area :  Bourgogne-Franche-.
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
last car (first compartments), I got to suck 2 times in 1 month interval by two different guys (very cute young twinks) to believe that it becomes a meeting place for plane ....

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small path between arces dilo and Vachy

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Type : Nature gay & straight
Cruising spots Yonne (89)
City :  Champlost
Area :  Bourgogne-Franche-.
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
the D 905 from arces dilo steering Vachy on the left to take a forest road towards "The Montelard". Drive a little and you will find quiet forest trails, the place is little passenger.

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wood saint fathers saligny


Cruising spot gay in Saligny

proposed by astro89  (01/08/2013)

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Type : Nature gay
Cruising spots Yonne (89)
City :  Saligny
Area :  Bourgogne-Franche-.
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
There are 2 places to park in the woods. Several meetings of doing. PS: park and into the wood. Moderator: like any public place, the meetings do not consume on site.

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small park outside the station


Cruising spot gay in Tonnerre

proposed by profilsupprime  (26/04/2020)

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Type : Public garden gay
Cruising spots Yonne (89)
City :  Tonnerre
Area :  Bourgogne-Franche-.
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
facing the Thunder Station is a nice little park for evening meetings would be more fun than wood proposed towards montbard order to navigate at all hours

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Area of ​​Couline on the A6 towards Paris

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Type : Rest area gay
Cruising spots Yonne (89)
City :  Précy-sur-Vrin
Area :  Bourgogne-Franche-.
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Area of ​​Couline on the A6 towards Paris. Behind the restaurant isolated parking lot in the dark.

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Lots of sex and discretion

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Type : Parking gay & straight
Cruising spots Yonne (89)
City :  Ligny-le-Châtel
Area :  Bourgogne-Franche-.
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Near the football stadium ligny chattel, meeting and discretion.

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D660 - Road car park to Courtenay

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Type : Rest area gay
Cruising spots Yonne (89)
City :  Égriselles-le-Bocage
Area :  Bourgogne-Franche-.
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
there is a road parking on both sides of the D660 direction in Courtenay, to the toll exit 2, there are a roundabout continue straight and 5 minutes away, there a road parking.

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